Ship Select: Tab key does nothing


When in the "Ship Select" window, the infobox in the bottom right corner says:

Select the Ship you would like to join. Press Tab to display Ship information.

But pressing the Tab key does nothing.

(What would it have shown on the original servers?)
Oh my God, sometimes the stuff people report, I swear...
On the original server it showed number of players and number of games. But it's not terribly important because we probably aren't hitting block caps any time soon...

But lemme tell you how all areas are unlocked by default for some reason...or how I don't lose EXP when I die...WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?
All areas WERE unlocked by default on SEGA and they also removed the experience penalty on death. What are you comparing? USBB version 1?
The only thing that was locked at the end was the solo quests and those unlock by doing government quests.
I wasn't aware PSO ever had an EXP penalty on death! I know you dropped your equipped weapon and lost all your meseta on... what, V2?
On Ver.1 and Ver.2, you drop your weapon and your Meseta on the ground when you die.

On Ver.3, you lose 5% Synchro on your Mag for every death and your weapon unequips, and if you die without a Scape Doll and choose to return to Pioneer 2, all of the Meseta you were carrying is deleted.

On Ver.4, you lose 5% Synchro on your Mag for every death, and you lose a percentage of your EXP gained towards the next level, provided you are a high enough level. I *think* the penalty kicked in around level 20 (or perhaps only in Hard, Very Hard, and Ultimate), and it was probably something like 2% of your EXP requirements for that level. In other words, if you needed 50 000 EXP to go from level 70 to 71, you would lose 1 000 EXP every time you died, until you were right back at 50 000 EXP needed to reach level 71 again. (Leveling down was not possible.) If you were level 199 and needed 4 million EXP (or whatever the requirement is) to reach 200, you'd lose 80 000 EXP every time you died. Looking at those numbers, I'm guessing the original penalty was more like 4%, as I'm pretty sure you would have lost > 100K if you died at level 199.

Nobody wanted to play Episode II on BB as a result, since all the cheap deaths made it nearly impossible to level up, despite the boosted experience counts. A single run of PW4 could easily set you back several hundred thousand EXP, so Episode II was very lonely. :(

I'd be all for restoring the GC penalty on BB (Meseta deletion if you return to Pioneer 2), because without the EXP penalty, BB practically doesn't care if you die at all. One could also argue that the boosted EXP was meant to offset the EXP penalty, but I'd say it would be more fair if you only lost EXP upon returning to Pioneer 2 and didn't lose any if you used a Scape Doll or got saved by your teammates. That way, you don't need to be afraid of Episode II if you have help.
Mad said:
When in the "Ship Select" window, the infobox in the bottom right corner says:

Select the Ship you would like to join. Press Tab to display Ship information.

But pressing the Tab key does nothing.

(What would it have shown on the original servers?)

In the official servers a little box appears below the SHIP selection and it shows:
Amount of Parties in this SHIP: XXXX
Amount of Players in this SHIP: XXXX

I was about to report this a few days ago as well!


It's correct! when you die on PSOBB you lose Synchro and some EXP it should be like this on Tethealla too (probably as a setting you can turn in/off)?
Sodaboy said:
All areas WERE unlocked by default on SEGA and they also removed the experience penalty on death. What are you comparing? USBB version 1?

Well you said you were trying to copy JP PSOBB specs not US PSOBB so I dont understand! indeed SEGA decided to open the areas for everyone to free roam around but that was after a few years since the game got launched. In my opinion you should close by default all the areas of the server and let the people open them as they progress with their goverment quests.

If someone needs let's say "I need to hunt monsters in CCA but i dont have it unlocked!" you could always ask a friend that had the goverment quest finished on that area to make a party room for you so that area would become accesible in free roam (that's how we used to do it back in the day).

To have an area open on free roam you just needed to clear the first quest of the goverment series ones in the case of CCA would be enough just finishing the quest 7-1 and so on... also with every dificulty that was unlocked you had to do the goverment quests over and over to unlock the areas in higher difficulties as well.

The penalty for dieing was never removed it's just like Aleron mentioned (not sure if it was removed or actually existed on the US PSOBB tho) but I don't know from where you got the idea that they were completely deactivated. (my mag was always at 0% synchro!!!)
The synchro still reduces on here, just not exp. But if exp was still removed on JP PSOBB, that's something I can easily implement.

I played JP PSOBB, but I don't recall having my exp reduce when I died. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention or the loss wasn't enough for me to care at the time.
Sodaboy said:
The synchro still reduces on here, just not exp. But if exp was still removed on JP PSOBB, that's something I can easily implement.

I played JP PSOBB, but I don't recall having my exp reduce when I died. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention or the loss wasn't enough for me to care at the time.

It was a small amount thats why you never noticed but it was still there (・∀・)ノ I think something similar to the %'s that Aleron mentioned in his previous post sounds very accurrate.
@ Soda

Maybe you weren't a high enough level for the loss to kick in. I'm quite sure that it didn't happen when you were just starting out, but I can't remember what the trigger was. I'd wager that the trigger was reaching a certain level and not playing in a certain difficulty, though (meaning if you were level 100 and died in Normal, you'd lose EXP, but if you were level 19, you wouldn't).

As for the areas, I would still suggest the middle ground of using the pillars in solo mode to unlock them. It's less annoying than having to do the Government quests, but it still prevents you from being able to go straight to Ruins when you're level 1.
Aleron Ives said:
@ Soda

Maybe you weren't a high enough level for the loss to kick in. I'm quite sure that it didn't happen when you were just starting out, but I can't remember what the trigger was. I'd wager that the trigger was reaching a certain level and not playing in a certain difficulty, though (meaning if you were level 100 and died in Normal, you'd lose EXP, but if you were level 19, you wouldn't).

As for the areas, I would still suggest the middle ground of using the pillars in solo mode to unlock them. It's less annoying than having to do the Government quests, but it still prevents you from being able to go straight to Ruins when you're level 1.

Trial accounts allowed you to play for free until Lv 20 or for 2 weeks for free without having this kind of penalty. However as a trial account you werent able to join Challenge mode/Battle games and you werent able to join or create any teams instead your team flag was automaticly a beginners symbol so people in the lobby could tell you were using a trial account.
Yes, and he was also saying that Soda should restore the original behaviour of not having the areas open by default and unlocking them with the Government quests, instead. I'm saying that using the pillars would be a middle ground approach.
falkenjeff said:
Aleron Ives said:
As for the areas, I would still suggest the middle ground of using the pillars in solo mode to unlock them. It's less annoying than having to do the Government quests, but it still prevents you from being able to go straight to Ruins when you're level 1.

It has already been stated SEGA unlocked all areas in free roam by default by Neirene:

"indeed SEGA decided to open the areas for everyone to free roam around but that was after a few years since the game got launched."

We're not copying "release JP BB", we're copying JP BB how it was shortly before it shut down. Otherwise we'd have to disable PGF and Red Ring because they weren't unlocked on release, right?

The ideal would be to make it a parameter to enable and disable all the stuff they added/unlocked at the very end, in my opinion it just look plain wrong to have those things enabled by default when in the official servers we were playing the old-school way for several years before they implemented those things, and those things were enabled as a sign that they game was about to close sadly...

We were playing with this method for several years since 2004 until 2008~2009ish or so when they decided to open all the free areas on free roaming and the boss items.
They're not talking about Ephinea specifically at this point, I believe, but rather parameters for the Teth software itself.
falkenjeff said:
There are already people I can't play with because they are doing a government quest, and I haven't unlocked it yet. Forcing me to unlock areas would just force me to solo the game even more than I already do. And I would never ever be able to find someone to play seabed with me. Even if there's some kind of failsafe in place that lets you play the highest unlocked area in the party, I'd still be going solo just to unlock things for myself on all my characters.
I don't know what's up with the Government quests, but having the areas locked by default never prevent you from playing with other people online. The person who creates the team determines which areas are open by default. If the creator has opened the areas, anyone who joins the team can go to any area in that team. If the creator hasn't unlocked anything, you have to play Forest first, and then defeating the Dragon unlocks Cave, and so forth. If you want to play Ruins right away, have someone else make a new team or load a quest. It's not that scary, really. :lol:
Aleron Ives said:
falkenjeff said:
There are already people I can't play with because they are doing a government quest, and I haven't unlocked it yet. Forcing me to unlock areas would just force me to solo the game even more than I already do. And I would never ever be able to find someone to play seabed with me. Even if there's some kind of failsafe in place that lets you play the highest unlocked area in the party, I'd still be going solo just to unlock things for myself on all my characters.
I don't know what's up with the Government quests, but having the areas locked by default never prevent you from playing with other people online. The person who creates the team determines which areas are open by default. If the creator has opened the areas, anyone who joins the team can go to any area in that team. If the creator hasn't unlocked anything, you have to play Forest first, and then defeating the Dragon unlocks Cave, and so forth. If you want to play Ruins right away, have someone else make a new team or load a quest. It's not that scary, really. :lol:

Unlike the Gamecube where you create a game either online or offline and then progress through the areas by activating the totems to unlock the next one PSOBB was diferent.

In PSOBB even if you play on free roam and the Forest is the only available zone in that specific party if you clear this area (activating the totem and killing the dragon) the caves wont unlock, the only way to do so is by clearing the Forest goverment quests from 1-1 to 1-3 for example and thats when the Caves area will unlock on free roaming as well.