Rage de Feu Tempest?



Wondering why Rage De Feu is giving me a tempest special rather than burning? I have 2 and they are both Tempest. I know I read somewhere that there was some code for Rage with other specials but didn't know they were in the game?!


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When the Ep4 drop charts were changed, the wrong RDF was probably added into the tables. Since most people team point them or just don't use the special, it's no surprise it'd take this long to be reported.

It'd be cool to see all the RDF versions get rotated around seasonally, though. Blizzard RDF sounds funny.
Ya. The question is, why? Do they drop randomly? Are certain drops or quest rewards locked into specific ones? etc

I would imagine the different ones arent listed on the drop chart much in the same way the agito's aren't separated by name. Funny enough though only 2 are listed on the drop chart so we're missing 2.
Ya. The question is, why? Do they drop randomly? Are certain drops or quest rewards locked into specific ones? etc
They do not drop randomly as the drops are driven by Item ID, unless there is extra logic for them in the ship.

Personally, I'd just randomize the sub group so they all have a chance to drop.
Or just all 4 like different agito drops.
The others were actually added to the blocked items array in the game. Not sure why Sega did this. But the items have been long unblocked. However they aren't obtainable currently. Maybe randomizing the item received is a good way to go with it.
Request for seasonal RDFs third'd! That would be pretty awesome.
If only Sega had followed through and created seasonal particle effects like snowflakes, autumn leaves, flower blossoms, etc.