PSG Warning!!! >=( HC Trolling?????

Harborer of Hope

That Others May Live!
Staff member
It has come to mews attention that there are some Trolls among our community that "bait" and or purrposely troll our HC players into dying! Then laughing at their death banners.... This is NOT acceptable behavior in our PSG Family and if your Mew finds out you're among them... you will be PUNTED like a Soggy Soccerball off the team! HCers take their char lives seriously and should be PROTECTED when they wander into a normies game! What made mew so livid was that they saw these trolls as a representative of the norm of our server community...We're the Friendliest, most productive, and Caring PSO community out there dammit, WTF?? That said...mew now returns to her regularly scheduled noob stalking! >=3
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Wow, that is... extremely rude. I'm glad this can't happen to me because I don't play HC, but I can't even imagine how horrible getting killed because of something this silly and jerkish would be.
It happens alot unfortunately. I've seen alot of HC players being mistreated unjustly. Not to me personally, but to a lot of newbies. Plus i hear alot of complaints. It's just something you have to put up with.
It happens alot unfortunately. I've seen alot of HC players being mistreated unjustly. Not to me personally, but to a lot of newbies. Plus i hear alot of complaints. It's just something you have to put up with.
Lonedigger is going to be looking to game with you Spoozies! He knows your good rep among the HC players! <3
And this would be why I mostly solo HC unless I know who I'm playing with.


Unfortunately that becomes of most, that or they don't play...

Lonedigger is going to be looking to game with you Spoozies! He knows your good rep among the HC players! <3

Poor lone. He's had it rough last few days.
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Unfortunately that becomes of most, that or they don't play...

Poor lone. He's had it rough lasted days.
He was gonna leave our server because of those asshats...put mew in an uncharacteristically Foul mood the Entire night =( Just glad he's giving us another chance. =')
It has come to mews attention that there are some Trolls among our community that "bait" and or purrposely troll our HC players into dying!

I might just start playing more HC just to see people like this. It's a dick move to do to someone for sure. But I'm curious as hell yo. I'm always curious about ya'll peeps. I would like to play with people who do that. Get a feel for what they're like and why they do it.
Tagging me to try and get a reaction?? What's funny is how you relish in the fact you think your cool and post it everytime HC is mentioned. When in reality it just shows what a pathetic troll you are. Yes, I did snap, and justly due to the fact treating new players who don't know better as such is simply damn disgusting. And you justify it by going '' at least I used moons ''.. The fact is you could have just told him this was battle and given him the chance to leave or something. That and how would you know if he had a scape in the 1st place to use a moon? You didn't you just wanted to Rafoie and get a kick out of it. Childish and pathetic.
Tagging me to try and get a reaction?? What's funny is how you relish in the fact you think your cool and post it everytime HC is mentioned. When in reality it just shows what a pathetic troll you are. Yes, I did snap, and justly due to the fact treating new players who don't know better as such is simply damn disgusting. And you justify it by going '' at least I used moons ''.. The fact is you could have just told him this was battle and given him the chance to leave or something. That and how would you know if he had a scape in the 1st place to use a moon? You didn't you just wanted to Rafoie and get a kick out of it. Childish and pathetic.
At least I used moons. :)

I shouldn't have kids though because I'd beat them according to you. I know you consider it your life, but it's a video game and you should lighten up.
Tagging me to try and get a reaction?? What's funny is how you relish in the fact you think your cool and post it everytime HC is mentioned. When in reality it just shows what a pathetic troll you are. Yes, I did snap, and justly due to the fact treating new players who don't know better as such is simply damn disgusting. And you justify it by going '' at least I used moons ''.. The fact is you could have just told him this was battle and given him the chance to leave or something. That and how would you know if he had a scape in the 1st place to use a moon? You didn't you just wanted to Rafoie and get a kick out of it. Childish and pathetic.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with Spuz on this one. You might find it funny, but you were still a dick, and got the video to prove it.

(I mean, it's kinda of funny, of course. I laughed when you used revive on him. The guy didn't lose his char, so it's still a little funny. But with our small hardcore/softcore player-base, being a troll online to our players seems counter productive, specially the hardcore players... Being a troll on the forums is fair game though, within limits. :rolleyes:)
At least I used moons. :)

I shouldn't have kids though because I'd beat them according to you. I know you consider it your life, but it's a video game and you should lighten up.

The ettiique one player should give another has nothing to do with my mood. I don't go out of my way to upset people. I take care of them and nurture them, you act like a troll no matter where you go or what you do. Your an awful person tbh and I'm glad you rarely play. I'm very happy thanks.

''lighten up'' what because I think people should be nice and not dicks. Makes no sense. Jokes are funny and you are not.
I was expecting more of the self proclaimed Battle Mode God... oh well...

Grants? GRANTS?

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You apparently don't know Vex very well I see.

Haha, thanks for the gif, I couldn't find it quick enough. :D

Yeah, I haven't met Vex that I know of yet, I waited a couple hours, and figured it was aimed at me. Grraaaanntssss-

Did he get his character deleted too?
No probs, but yeah lately I find myself getting hooked on me.

As for HC obituaries, I has no clue on knowing it since I lack the skill to mess wit it. #NormalMode4Life
Not on that occasion no. Panda lived to see another day.