Possible full-dressing room fix without actually implementing it into the game client.


Deleted member 193

Use a server command to copy the appearance of 1 character to another.

Requirements for command to succeed: dressing room unlocked on team, the character being copied is the same type (eg: FOnewm to FOnewm).

Example: Let's say you have a FOnewm in slot 3, and you want it to look like the FOnewm in slot 5. Log into the FOnewm in slot 3, and then type the command:

/changemyappearanceto 5

Log out, and your FOnewm in slot 3 is now an exact copy (appearance only) of the FOnewm in slot 5. (Name, ID, etc would not change)


1) Requires no changes to the game client, and is entirely server-sided coding instead (just copying database entries from one field to another field).

2) Assuming the person who is coding it knows what they are doing (likely @tofuman ) there is a 0% chance of bugs where names or IDs are accidentally changed or "one time free ID change" flags are accidentally reset/deleted. Unlike the PSOBB character creator (which WOULD try to change those things, and it would need to be pro-actively prevented from doing so), the only way that could happen is if the person who coded it didn't know what they were doing, and copied the wrong database entries.

3) The DLL file would not require an update.

4) Assuming you have at least 1 character slot (out of 32) open and are able to create a new character, you essentially retain the ability to use "PSOBB character creator" to change your appearance. Simply make a new character with the appearance you want (eg: in slot 32), and then change to the character who's appearance you would like to modify, and use the "/changemyappearanceto 32" command.

5) "Dressing room" remains vanilla and doesn't confuse people with fields they can't modify such as name and ID. Since I assume the "traditional" way of implementing full dressing room is to REPLACE the regular dressing room. So people who just want to change their hair and keep playing PSO are not bothered by a complicated screen (they just use the regular, limited dressing room), and people who want to use the advanced "full dressing room" feature can do so by reading up on the server command and how to use it (and freeing up a character slot if needed).

I don't know if this is actually easier to implement or not. But it came to mind, so I figured I'd suggest it. If it's easy to do it would be pretty sweet.

Note that I chose "changemyappearanceto" as the command so it's very clear to the end-user what will happen when they use the command, and they will not misinterpret it. The character you are "logged in on" is having its appearance "changed to" the character in the specified slot.

(I really really want to fix my Skyly FOnewm before I start my 1000 hour SJS hunt. He's suuuuuper ugly compared to my Whitill one. And I know @Matt wants this feature too. @tofuman pleeeease? :) )
A shorter command than "/changemyappearanceto" would be v'nice. It's a bit long. This is unlocking costumes not in full by swapping essentially? I..like it...Aesthetics are life man.
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Honestly, I'd personally just implement FDR rather than expect all this work, rofl.

Would it happen? I dunno, personally I'm all for FDR, but we'd have to see what the others think.
Honestly, I'd personally just implement FDR rather than expect all this work, rofl.

Would it happen? I dunno, personally I'm all for FDR, but we'd have to see what the others think.

Implementing FDR still requires the following "work" however:

1) Disabling whatever Sodaboy did to disable FDR (if you use a trainer to unlock it, the server ignores it).

2) Locking name so it cannot change.

3) Locking ID so it cannot change.

4) Making sure ID doesn't accidentally change via "you had a one time free ID reset, oops"

I'm not sure which is easier to implement due to this.
Well FDR sounds alot easier to me.
I found the Sodaboy post.


Soon, I will patch the server to:

A) Not allow any changes in the Dressing Room outside of your outfit and hair. Even if you use a hacked EXE to change your name, proportions, and section ID, the changes will not stick and the server will ignore them.

So for proportion (face, and skin) changes to ever be allowed, this would need to be modified to allow it.
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I just want to add that, while this is not a problem for most, the lack of full dressing room is preventing me from making new characters I've never played before.

eg: after my tall-FOnewm mistake (still hate him and refuse to play him), I think to myself "I should make a HUney, I've never played HUney before --- oh wait I might waste materials and techs and then hate how she looks and never play her, no ty just sticking with RAmar and HUmar."

I'm probably not the only one. It's probably a rare issue, yes, but there are probably a couple other people with fucked up mental issues like myself who run into the same problem.