Pc> 60 hit clean charge diska

Sadly, I don't think there's a lot of demand for Charge Diskas right now, people just like DoB more. Clean also doesn't really help.

Conservative: Around 10... ? 15?

More opinions, please. =)
10-15 sounds like a good estimate.

Honestly I don't think DoB really shines without Thirteen, and since I switched armors on my HUney, I've been rocking a 55h charge sawcer to greater effect. Nice to not worry about HP on a lower HP class as well. However, the base slicer series is seriously lacking in aesthetics so that's a minus, but you have to trade looks for efficiency at some point.
Yeah maybe 10. It just doesn't do that much damage compared to DoB (especially with 13) or RBB, both of which are pretty cheap with good hit.
agree with this unfortunately. didnt realize until after i bought a 75h spirit diska how low its atp really is