No Episode 2 End Credits on Classic


Resident of Colony 9
This time I am here with an actual thing! I think.

Both I and @Jyuki didn't get the Ep2 Epilogue when we finished an Ep2 run on Classic, solo. I completed Ep2 twice and didn't get the credits both times.
The Episode 1 credits work just fine and according to Ender on Discord Episode 2 "should work", so something might be amiss there.

What difficulty? Language settings? (English? Japanese? Custom?)

Confirming you were in the free roam, no quest, right?

Also, what graphics settings are you using?

I'm on Windows 11, RTX 3090, running D3D11 API with regular English language setting (no custom skin, no bbmod, no ReShade).

Just cleared all 4 difficulties without any issue with getting the epilogue. (Actually, I had one issue. Ultimate mode played the wrong movie! I must have broke this some time ago but just fixed it.)

I also need to know what kind of add-ons and such you've got running. ReShade?

I seem to recall Jyuki meaning they use NVIDIA Inspector. Could be something going on there as well.

The main problem you two are experiencing is probably an issue with the video player not being able to execute.

Episode 1 epilogue does not use a video player. It does it's credits with in-game rendering.

You can also invoke the video player by creating a new character and/or starting a difficulty for the first time on classic mode solo.

If you don't get a video when making a new character or entering a difficulty for the first time solo on classic, there is an issue with something blocking the video player.

Please attach the two screens of your Options menu like so:

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Okay so: I've played Normal ep2 free roam earlier to unlock the hard difficulty and there was no epilogue when I took the end teleporter, it went straight to the title screen.

I'm also running Windows 11, GTX 980, D3D12 and use publicly available bbmod with some minor model/hud swapping

I don't use Reshade and the videos play fine when I make a new character/first enter a difficulty. I've tested it just now with the same character, that didn't get the epilogue video, entering Hard ep2.

I stopped using Inspector for the in-build options and here's my settings:



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I’ll try your settings and see if I can reproduce.

Also, if you have "Classic Intro FMV" on, it doesn't launch the video player when making a character, just FYI.

It uses the original player for whatever format a .PAE file is, so if that is what you tested, that isn't a good test. Need to turn off "Classic Intro FMV".
ROFL, I found the problem.

So, during development, the files all had .AVI extension.

When I pushed the final version of the DLL with OPM, I made them all MKV files but I didn't update the command to play them, so it was still trying to play the .AVI files. (How did I miss this and how was it unreported for so long?!)

My development PSO folder has both versions of the videos, so I never experienced the problem.


	if (playEp2Ultimate)
		PlayCutscene(L".\\data\\pso_x_ed_ep2_u.avi", currInstance, 1);
		PlayCutscene(L".\\data\\pso_x_ed_ep2.avi", currInstance, 1);

Thanks for the report and MY BAD.
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