Level 15 Shifta/Deband for HUmar


Perhaps this has had much rigorous debate in the past but I've only recently joined the server so I thought I'd suggest it.

The only problem I see with implementing this is that creates an argument for RAmar receiving level 15 Jellen and Zalure—which to be honest I'm fine with and would support as well.

I don't think the vanilla argument holds ground here as in previous iterations of PSO these techniques were available to both of these classes.
It comes down to a matter of balance preference and I'm willing to accept the majority opinion.
Actually, the reason HUmar doesn't have Shifta/Deband (and RAmar not having Jellen/Zalure) is because from GC onwards (V3), these techniques were removed from the classes to balance them out.

I admit that HUmar is in a really shaky position because of his lack of Shifta/Deband, but it would be breaking the vanilla balance which I don't really want to do outside of Clio for HUnewearl.
I understand that this was changed in the GC version and onward but I think there is an argument to be made that it was a poor balance decision.
Also the definition of "vanilla" is tenuous in my opinion. For me "vanilla" in my mind is associated with the Dreamcast version of the game if that makes any sense.

Maybe I should just make a HUcast and get over it but I really would prefer not to (especially considering I just traded you my S-Parts lol.)
Well in this particular case, SEGA (Vanilla) PSO specifically refers to the state SEGA left Blue Burst in when it was closed down in 2008.
To further clarify what Matt is saying and to prevent a "this server isn't vanilla anymore" rebuttal. Remember the previous versions are long gone, and this is BB focused regardless of the state of our server currently. Believe me I'd love to have v1 or 2's Lavis but yaaa its not happening LOL.
To be honest. HUmar doesn't need S/D. I mean they are afterall still the second highest ATP class in the game. And when an enemy is too tough, they may not have FTs (most broken pso thing) but they can easily access demons and j/Z. Plus lvl 15 Rabarta is better than people give it credit, just gotta abuse freezing enemies upon spawn to loose that manual evasion. They are an amazing class if you learn how to play them and better than many other classes imo. They certainly do not need buffing just because HUcast has insane ATP.

If you were really looking at a balance point of view, I would leave HUmar as is, weaken HUcast a little and buff HUneys.