is there any chance of the Schthack PSO2 server getting us shut down?


I have quit the game
Guildcard 2
Would suck if they did something stupid to finally force SEGA to take action, and they DMCA'd all of us, and not just them...
I think we will be safe. This is a 16+ year old game at this point, with a very niche audience that plays it. Unless sega wants to re-open servers for bb, nothing will come of it.

If anything, scht will get shut down for hosting the cash cow that is pso2.
I remember Crono quoting legality a long time ago, it's not illegal to host a server for Sega games but it is to be the players playing them on a non sega server. Probably bullshitting me though considering its him. =p Realistically I don't think Sega will do shit as I personally have experience with Sega staff from official servers and they're VERY well aware of the private PSOBB servers. They even went so far as to threaten me with a ban when I mentioned schtserv. If they haven't done anything for the last...oh say...6 years I think it was since the JP BB servers shut down? (I think) We'll be safe as we are.
I remember Crono quoting legality a long time ago, it's not illegal to host a server for Sega games but it is to be the players playing them on a non sega server. Probably bullshitting me though considering its him. =p Realistically I don't think Sega will do shit as I personally have experience with Sega staff from official servers and they're VERY well aware of the private PSOBB servers. They even went so far as to threaten me with a ban when I mentioned schtserv. If they haven't done anything for the last...oh say...6 years I think it was since the JP BB servers shut down? (I think) We'll be safe as we are.

PSO2 is their cash cow though. I don't know if they'll tolerate it.

On the issue of legality, Crono was bullshitting you:




So long as the private server is non-profit or the population of the private server does not exceed an excessive amount. So much so that the population of the official server is in danger(Nostalrius with World of Warcraft) of losing its members to said private server. SEGA doesn't care about what we do as long as we don't cut into their money.
Ah yea i see the timestamp now, still not a good idea. Though Sega is often more accepting sometimes of fan projects, or even supportive it's still not a good idea. All it takes is one of their lawyers to have a Menorah up their ass on a specific day and its gone.
It's illegal to play on a private server, even if the executable is free:

Generally the EULA says that you have the right to use and distribute the executable, providing you do not tinker with the file (IP address change) or play on another emulated server (private serverrrr).

Doubt they'd ever prosecute though, but it's definitely not legal.

Private servers themselves are legal, especially server emulators written from scratch, although using a private server for profit is using copyrighted content for your own profit, which is most certainly illegal.
It's illegal to play on a private server, even if the executable is free:

I guess Eugene is in some serious shit if SEGA ever tried to fine me for playing then. xD
Even distributing the exe or any file provided by SEGA is against the EULA, they made it clear in their terms of services that no one bothers to read. The private servers break the EULA in several different points. You can read the PSOBB EULA over here

Then again, it's very unlikely that they'd bother with it. At least, they didn't when Schtserv released their own PSOBB server years ago and the official servers were still running at the time. It'd be a different story if the server had many thousands of users, but then again Schtserv wouldn't be able to handle such a playerbase. Most of the time, companies will try scare tactics against the servers so that people will shut them down themselves without having to waste money to sue these non-profit targets. Remember, Schthack won't be releasing the source so that everyone on the net can run their own server (limited damage) neither will he charge people from playing on said server (Again, the amount of money you can retrieve is much less and won't be worth it).

Also, Ephinea is not affiliated to Schtserv in any way. PSO2 and PSOBB are two different copyrighted material which means this server is not even on SEGA's radar. On another note, it's only a « closed » alpha phase, there is no ETA for the open beta at the moment. The PSO2 server is coming for sure and nothing has changed about it (Aside from this info now more readily available than it was the past few months), it's just not gonna be earlier next year.
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neither will he charge people from playing on said server (Again, the amount of money you can retrieve is much less and won't be worth it).


Did they stop charging for "donation" items or something? lmao

Crono made thousands on that shitty toaster of a server.

Did they stop charging for "donation" items or something? lmao

Crono made thousands on that shitty toaster of a server.
Crono appeared much later though. He wasn't around back when Schthack first opened the server. I don't think he's around anymore either, nor did they bring the donations back as far as I know.

Some servers do it these days, but the difference is that the SEGA PSOBB servers are now officially closed.