HUcast vs HUcaseal

Charlie CM

I'm deciding on my next class to go with RAmarl and Fonewmn. Mostly I just want to get a Dark Flow to dick around with.

+ Probably just better?
- Already played on on Sega to ~L140

+ Last Swan looks like fun (Although I don't have one yet after spending 10pc!)
+ Already levelled to 60 and fed some pow mats (whatever...)
- Stats are v similar to RAmarl
hucassy: last swan is indeed pretty great, ata is nice for dfing, good dagger animation for daylight scar or w/e else, s rank arrest cutter works well on her

hucast: better, as you said
HUcast because ATP OP, while ATA is godly you have the characters to hunt decent hit weapons to compensate. Also HUcast ATP. And don't forget Hucast ATP.

Huct better at everything including DF, bc godly atp

Sweetheart though, just gotta be hugging some boys when you DF :wub:
HUcaseal does more DMG with sweetheart and DF than HUcast.
Sweetheart Range isn't great though
And don't forget about HUcast ATP

Edit: Important ---> HUcaseal has booty.
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+ kill everything fast
- high hit caliburssss

+ RL caliburssss
- kill everything pretty fast

Since you already have HUcaseal made, play that imo. Can always make a HUcast later
Both are fun but one is a hell of a lot easier to play just normally.
I'd say HUcast, and that's completely unbiased. Honest.
I wouldn't let your current hucl hold you back from making huct, 60 levels isn't much in the long term game. You should make a hucast if you want to DF, even though the ATA isn't high, with freeze traps 50 hit is enough for basically every enemy but ill gill. Its just more likely to one hit kill with hucast due to the monstrous ATP. That also goes for combo kill with any weapon to be honest.
i'm one of those idiots who never (never) leveled a HUct, even in the face of evident superiority.

i just hate how they look and aesthetic is important to me (it IS a role playing game, after all).

that being said...

HUct is better.

EDIT: i lied. on this server i have a lv40 HUct. his name is Farnsworth and he's classy AF.
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If you are worried about stats, damage output, and usability(min/maxer): HUcast.

If you want to play a character for enjoyment, which happens to be a hunter cast: HUCaseal.

If you solo: HUnewearl. SD/JZ bridges the gap very easily. However in party with a FO, HUcast wins no matter what.

If you hate yourself: HUmar.

TL;DR: HUcast ATP.