How to get French PsoBB ?


Hi peoples ! i ws wandering if it would bepossible to have a french PSOBB patch or something like that? i don't wanna modify the client or anything and then get banned so i'm asking out ;) thanks. Matt aide moi S.V.P :P
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Ephinea only has English and Japanese atm.
Iirc, you can no longer use custom unitxt either, if you can do it, then just build your own unitxt.
If anyone can provide the French assets we can look at adding them to ephinea. Same goes for any language.
I did Spanish (unitxt) a while back (which I gave to Soda, although I found a few inconsistencies even in the English translation), and recently had a GM from Ultima do Portuguese (currently in process of "translating" the stuff on images like character selection, Main menu, etc) which I would gladly contribute (as a "Tethealla" thing, so anyone can use).
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Maps (which I assume are default scripts), the 2 UI prs files thingy, unitxt and unitxt_shop.
It's missing cconsole_j.xvm (iirc data.gsl has only J and E for this specific file)
But it's pretty good, almost everything, hopefully all updated and correct lol.
Soda actually removed the ALLCAPS in favor of the Non Screaming one.
I guess if he doesn't enable custom unitxt again it wont be available.
Yo, I got a friend of mine who only speaks french and This would be dope to have this up and running, because we've been playing on the cube for so long because it has a french translation. and I Know what im doing enough with the menus to not care about another language.

Oh Well, He's gotta learn English some how I guess LOL,
Yo, I got a friend of mine who only speaks french and This would be dope to have this up and running, because we've been playing on the cube for so long because it has a french translation. and I Know what im doing enough with the menus to not care about another language.

Oh Well, He's gotta learn English some how I guess LOL,

Tell you friend that we can still help him and translate things for him when he needs it. It would be sad if he passes on the fun he can have with us just because of language barriers. We have a lot of Fr players here (including me) so there's really nothing to worry about if he wants to join us on Ephinea. ;)
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The Univers-PS French Pack Translation is still available here using The Wayback Machine : 042_PatchFR

Patch Server Changes, January 17th, 2021 (by Sodaboy) : Full Text is HERE

"After setting your language to Custom in the launcher, you can extract the files from these archives, modify them, and plop the modified files into the "data" folder of Ephinea's PSOBB installation. You will be able to see your changes after restarting the Ephinea PSOBB client."

J'espère que les Francophones seront ravis de pouvoir jouer à leur jeu favori en Francais
Merci infiniment MEIERLINK

Cela fonctionne parfaitement. Seuls les messages de conversations universels automatiques restent en anglais.

Mais rien que ça, c'est génial !

Des bisous !


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Merci infiniment MEIERLINK

Cela fonctionne parfaitement. Seuls les messages de conversations universels automatiques restent en anglais.

Mais rien que ça, c'est génial !

Des bisous !


Salut Frenck,

je suis content de voir que cette excavation de fichier de traduction de notre jeu préféré est appréciée ^w^.
Oui, le patch fonctionne tout à fait bien, mais les noms des items sont également traduits - littéralement - ce qui est assez troublant, au point que j'ai du mal à les reconnaitre. Je l'ai donc désinstallé. Est-ce que tu as le même problème ? (je suppose que oui). D'après ce que j'ai compris, il faudrait que le fichier Unitxt soit installé et surtout modifié lors des différents updates par les modérateurs du site, ce qui implique une charge de travail supplémentaire (je me trompe peut-être, je ne suis pas compétent en informatique)

Ceci dit, si tu cherches une expérience de jeu dans un environnement francophone, je peux te conseiller de nous rejoindre dans la team MOTHERBRAIN ^w^. Notre espace sur le forum d'Ephinea est ici : Team MOTHERBRAIN. Nous serons ravi de t'accueillir et d'arpenter Ragol en ta compagnie !​