How do you pronounce "Xrd?"

If you're wanting to be "correct", Xrd is イグザード which is something along the lines of Igzard or Ex Ard.

No idea.
I've always pronounced SCHTHack as S-C-H-T-Hack because I'm a hipster and don't like calling it "Shithack/Shitserv". :D
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I think my brain says "shh-tee-hack" but with a bit of a "ch" sound in the "sh." Like maybe "Shh-chtee-hack" idk lol
I say "Zerd".

Probably wrong, but it sounds right to me! ( ◞・౪・)

This is about Guilty Gear, right?
I always speak schthack like: 'scurr-chack' unless meme referencing 'shithack'
I said "X R D" but given the hilarious pronunciation of "zerd" I may have to start saying zerd.