How do you get through to people if they're glued to their phones?


Freakin' stupid blinkin' bloody Aussie
I went cold-calling today trying to get into 'day game', trying to meet women on the street. I saw a lot of women, who were by themselves, were face down in their phones. How do you break in when they're lost in their own little worlds?
How do you break in when they're lost in their own little worlds?

You don't. They probably don't WANT to be approached by you. They want to be in their own little world.

trying to meet women on the street

That's not how the world works anymore. There are several websites and apps where people set themselves up as prospects for warm-calling. Rather than creeping out a ton of people and making them feel uncomfortable, you should try one of those.
There are several websites and apps where people set themselves up as prospects for warm-calling. Rather than creeping out a ton of people and making them feel uncomfortable, you should try one of those.

Waste of time and money. I know by experience!
I'm with falkenjeff, the street is not the place to be approaching people (at least not where I live). Women are expecting street harassment there plus they're probably on their way somewhere without time to spare. Furthermore, if they're "glued to their phones" they're probably trying to make themselves unapproachable.

A dating site/app may not be the best route either, but you'll need to at least go to a place where people are looking to socialize. Bars and parties are good if you're not looking for something lasting. Meetups are great. Public events and celebrations are wonderful.
You really don't lol, unfortunately the problem goes far beyond smartphones though, it's societal. You just gotta get lucky and meet that one and hold onto em.
What, people really SHOULD approach people all the time. Fuck the phones man.
Afaik, none of my friends do that -going out to meet women on the street.

In my country we are known to be friendly, which means if a stranger aproaches -usually looking for directions- we try to help him. But that's it. If a person goes beyond that point of politeness it becomes situational. A women can find annoying if the guy who she helped starts being too friendly; if she is fine with it then congrats, but is just something that might happen. Going out specifically to make that happen is not common here.

If you want to socialize go the right place: a disco, a bar, a meeting/convention of some sort (sports, gaming, books), etc.
meeting/convention of some sort (sports, gaming, books)

I think the fact that they need signs reminding people not to sexually assault the cosplay girls probably means that a convention wouldn't be the best place to look for a date... They probably get harassed enough. They're gonna be on autopilot with their "no" response.

Wow, all this negativity. Assuming you've no chance before you've even tried is quite telling... I'm disappointed in you guys.

Listen SuperCentipede, it's not impossible nor unlikely that you can meet someone in the street by approaching them. First of all, you yourself need to know your intention. If you're just trying to fuck, I think that's going to be obvious to the girl you're approaching. If you're genuinely interested in getting to know her though, it'll be apparent in the way you approach, including body language.

After you've got that established and are sure you're not just trying to wet your willy, then you can think about an approach that is warm and welcoming. For example, if you are in the mall and see a girl you like, perhaps she has something on her person worth noting to initiate contact. Maybe a necklace, shoes, a bag, a graphic t shirt or even her hair. Don't pick something too acute or approach with a strange, overwhelming enthusiasm because that's just creepy. An easy way to think about it is to imagine she's a guy who you think seems cool and you just want to banter with. Basically just act normal lol. She's a human being, not a monster.

Anyways, let's say you notice that her hair is styled a specific way that you like. You can approach and say "Hi! I’m Rick Harrison and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss, and in 23 years I’ve learned one thing. You never know what is gonna come through that door."

If that doesn't work, I've got a buddy who's an expert. We can ask her.
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Personally I dunno why you'd approach someone randomly in the first place. If I was wanting to socialise I wouldn't be looking at people in the street or the store or whatever・・・

I'd want to be talking to people who are also wanting to talk to people (or do stuff with others), not someone who's outside to get some sunshine, get to point B or doing their shopping.

Forced interaction is lame.
Just start dancing nearby. But not uncomfortably close. Maybe about 15ft away.

Of course I base this advice on absolutely nothing.
could just ask them whats the time.... or directions to somewhere that you dont really need help with, then break the ice from there lol
I guess approaching ladies on phones is 50/50. They may be bored and using social media/gaming in which case your advances may be welcome, or they may be doing something like checking emails/chilling out/trying to not be approached in which case you are best not to try striking up convo with them. Although this would be hard to tell just by looking at them.

A good place to start is to make more female friends and meet some of their friends through them. By being around girls more you will feel way more comfortable around them and this will make asking girls out way easier. If you meet some mutual friends then you may not have to go to the streets looking to pick up.

The last girl I was with I approached totally randomly in a library. She was studying for exams. I got her to come out for some friendly drinks and it went from there.
I think approaching girls randomly shows a lot courage and as long as you are not being annoying/weird and are able to read her cues you will have some good success.

Tbh I would advise more for you to approach girls that are not on their phone. IMO they know the vast majority of the time you are interested, so their is not too much point in BSing them along, pretending to pull something out of thin air to impress/ get their interest. But you need some confidence for this otherwise you'll be too nervous and likely run out of things to say quick and it'll become awkward. Just introduce yourself, ask them what they do for a career/study, and ask more about their job (so many questions to ask about a career path). Then you could speak about what you do etc. Try to give off happy/relaxed vibes. Thing is even though they may not be interested in you romantically, doesn't mean you couldn't be friends. (This would help calm your nerves when going to approach them). Some rejection is guaranteed because ultimately some girls will not be interested in you, and some girls will not be looking to date at all.

If you can go to parties and meet people similar in age to you with mutual friend groups, this is probably the best way to do it. Unfortunately I live in a relatively small place.
Does anyone actually have success with tinder? I have a good few matches but no dates yet ._. I just use it as a Hot-or-Not and have fun with it.
Just don't be a creep man, respect them and they will respect you.

Edit: Also dis an essay but I wanted to give as much advice as possible rather than saying just git gud :p
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