How do /you/ control this game personally?

I can't use any other controllers anymore. I've been ruined by the XBO Elite controller.
I know what you mean, I don't own an elite, but I've gotten to try one out and hands down most comfortable a precise controller I've ever used.
I'm using a PS4 controller and it feels pretty close to the experience with the Gamecube controller. I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to map things to the number pad though using a controller. Any help?
I use InputMapper Program using a PS4 Controller to operate this game. I cannot of the life of me play PSO using a keyboard. If it was life or death saving someone and I have to use Keyboard, well better bring flowers. Been quite acquainted of using controllers for majority games.
Keyboard is better than controller in PSOBB sorry to say but its the truth. I did both for a while. using a controller is a novelty.

Disagree heavily. Movement and aiming is noticeably less responsive on keyboard. You have the advantage of turning in place easier, but it's slower compared to just pressing the direction you want to go or face.

I used to play with only the keyboard. Things are a lot easier to do with the controller, such as doing an instant 180 attack (very important for Casts). And as for the numbered pallette? Nothing stops me from using that as well.
I use the Steam Controller. I added my Layout to the community. Just have to run the game in admin mode for big picture to allow overlay and it works pretty well. Just have to map the buttons in game.
After trying out the gamepad, I think I may actually stick with the keyboard. I've gotten used to swapping action palettes with right-Ctrl, which I think I've literally never used until now. The bigger reason though is that I can pivot in place with my keyboard, but I can't figure out how to do it with a joystick. If it quickly tap A or D, my character will turn on the spot without moving, making it a lot easier to line up ranged attacks. With the joystick though, I always start moving in the direction I push it rather than just turning first. It's giving me flashbacks to the Gamecube era where I'd have to run around in a circle to aim at a dude next to me.

I've been using the keyboard, but I was debating switching to a controller because I thought it might be easier to get more precise turns for ranged attacks with a joystick. But you're saying it's actually worse to line up attacks with the joystick? Interesting.

Seems like this topic is pretty even in people using KB vs controllers, but I'm thinking I may just stick to the KB. Not sure I'm smart enough to map all of those custom commands to a controller.
If I'm FOing, I'm partial to keyboarding, but if I'm HU/RAing I'll take it easy and use a gamepad. Keys feel right if I need to make precise commands, but controller feels the most natural for long-term play sessions.

If I'm being stupid I'll use a fightstick.

e: I forgot to mention what kind of pad I use. It's a DS3.
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I'm contemplating using a MMO mouse and gamepad left stick for FOing. otherwise xb360 pad is fine for me. Really depends on which keyboard you use. certain gaming keyboards give that edge in precision, that an analog stick may not offer.
I played around with Joy2Key last night but PSO wouldn't seem to take any of my mapping. I tried running both programs as administrator but that did not help. Any suggestions?
Anyone know how to map the number keys to the number keypad itself. Would be so much more playable if i could touch type the numbers as a FO. I was thinking maybe AHK but that seems like a PITA to setup and script and I dont really want to have to do that if I dont have to
Gc controller with mayflash adapter. Dpad bound to traps and moons, everything else is stock. (I use keyboard for random 1-0 keys.

Thinking of buying the official pso controller for gc (giant keyboard) for shits and giggles
I've been using the keyboard, but I was debating switching to a controller because I thought it might be easier to get more precise turns for ranged attacks with a joystick. But you're saying it's actually worse to line up attacks with the joystick? Interesting.

It probably doesn't make any sense, but that's just how I feel about it. Weirdly it's not even a nostalgia thing, since originally I played on the Gamecube and joysticks were all I had. Maybe it's possible, but I could never figure out how to turn in place without moving using a joystick, and that's something I always wished I could do on the Gamecube.