History of official PSOBB servers


I want to get a better picture of the history of PSOBB, and in this thread I'd like to collect anything we (still) know about the official servers.

According to the PSO Wikipedia article, PSOBB was released

  • 2004-07-15 in Japan, and
  • 2005-06-23 in North America and Europe.

Did players from NA and EU play on the same server, or were these separate servers?

Were there any other servers? I read something about Korean, or was this only the team that later maintained PSOBB?

According to announcements (1, 2) on forums.sega.com, the US(/EU?) server closed 2008-03-31 (confirmed on the same day).

When did the JP server close?

Does someone still know the names of the ships?

---- EDIT: updating this section with the knowledge ----

Official servers


2004-07-15 – 2010-12-27

Ship names (via) (via qwerty for the trial account ship):

  • 01:Aries
  • 02:Taurus
  • 03:Gemini
  • 04:Cancer
  • 05:Leo
  • 06:Virgo
  • 07:Libra
  • 08:Scorpio
  • 09:Sagittarius
  • 10:Capricorn
  • 11:Aquarius
  • 12:Pisces
  • Ship99:Beginner (for trial accounts)


closed beta test: 2004/10/18 – 2004/11/30
open beta test: 2005/1/18

2005-04-05 – 2006-06-10

(via qwerty)

These were isolated servers:

  • 翠绿(华东一) Greennill (East China 1) launched on 2005-01-18 (the beginning of open beta test)
  • 天青(华南一) Skyly (South China 1) launched on 2005-01-18 (the beginning of open beta test)
  • 淡紫(华南二) Purplenum (South China 2) launched on 2005-01-20
  • 铬绿(华东二) Viridia (East China 2) launched on 2005-01-21
  • 真红(西南一) Redria (Southwest 1) launched on 2005-01-22
  • 纯蓝(北方一) Bluefull (North 1) launched on 2005-01-18 (the beginning of open beta test)
  • 橙黄(北京) Oran (Beijing) launched on 2005-03-08

On 2005-07-04 they got merged:

  • 南方世界 (Southern World), contained the first 5 servers from the list above
  • 北方世界 (Northern World), contained the last 2 servers from the list above

The ship names for all these isolated servers were:

  • 母舰一 (Mothership 1)
  • 母舰二 (Mothership 2)
  • 母舰三 (Mothership 3)
  • etc.


2005-06-23 – 2008-03-31

Ship names (via) (via):

  • 01:Cronus
  • 02:Rhea
  • 03:Coeus
  • 04:Phoebe
  • 05:Oceanus
  • 06:Tethys
  • 07:Hyperion
As far as I know. JP and US/EU players played of different servers. The US/EU server were also not located in japan. When I looked through old posts on the PSOBB sega forum some years ago the staff indicated that the servers were within their locale.

PSOBB JP servers shutdown in december 2010.

I never played on the original servers so not sure on the original names. Unfortunately its something so mundane that no one thinks to document it.
PSOBB:CN had 7 isolated servers
翠绿(华东一) Greennill (East China 1) launched on 2005-01-18 (the beginning of open beta test)
天青(华南一) Skyly (South China 1) launched on 2005-01-18 (the beginning of open beta test)
淡紫(华南二) Purplenum (South China 2) launched on 2005-01-20
铬绿(华东二) Viridia (East China 2) launched on 2005-01-21
真红(西南一) Redria (Southwest 1) launched on 2005-01-22

纯蓝(北方一) Bluefull (North 1) launched on 2005-01-18 (the beginning of open beta test)
橙黄(北京) Oran (Beijing) launched on 2005-03-08
the first 5 servers were merged into 南方世界 (Southern World), and last 2 were merged into 北方世界 (Northern World) on 2005-07-04

as of ship names
they used 母舰一 (Mothership 1), 母舰二 (Mothership 2), 母舰三 (Mothership 3) and so on for every server
Yay, great stuff qwerty! And thanks for thinking of our thread here!

I updated the first post.
tofuman said:
PSOBB JP servers shutdown in december 2010.

Was it really 2010? I remember 2012 for some reason. Maybe I'm thinking of PSUJP. :lol: I have to be getting old, 2010 PSO seems like yesterday.