Helping with my German.


Guildcard 2
Hello everyone,

I know there are some German fella's out there on this server and since I am going to do a German Business course, I might need some help with it as well as with grammar. My understanding of the German language is pretty ok. Producing it is another story though since the grammar is pretty strickt.

By the way, I am Dutch which means the languages are similar. Any help with that is ofcourse appreciated.
Wow German eh? Hahaha. Cool beans. I've been trying to learn a new language myself. Lucky for you there's plenty of German books out there to help you read and write. There are no books for me :( The speaking and listening should come from repeating after audio tapes and trying to talk to actual Germans.

I've been learning by listening to audio tapes. Repeating after them as best as possible then trying to repeat conversations throughout the day like at the gym, on my way to work, just wherever to get me to remember. I also write down conversations between people trying to recognize the words and how they'd be pronounced.

I dunno if you're trying to legit learn German 100 percent but practice everyday. At least 30 minutes. Then just try to remember what you learned by repeating it to yourself and writing it down throughout the day. Also, ask @xSHIVAx for some German help.