Help getting a controller to work

So me and some friends just decided to try this and I can't seem to get it to work with my wireless xbox360 controller. It just doesn't seem to be detecting it at all. Is there some trick to this? I already tried restarting the game a few times. I know it works, I tried booting up a different game and it connected there just fine.
PSO only works with the first input and since it is Bluetooth you may have other devices interfering.

I would open a run window and type joy.cpl, this will list all your devices recognised as a gamepad (in order). So you can make sure the xbox controller is the only one running (or in top place) before starting PSO. You can also find software such as hidehide which allows you to hide processes showing up as a controller without having to disconnect them.
So me and some friends just decided to try this and I can't seem to get it to work with my wireless xbox360 controller. It just doesn't seem to be detecting it at all. Is there some trick to this? I already tried restarting the game a few times. I know it works, I tried booting up a different game and it connected there just fine.
Hi! I've played PSO with both Xbox One controller and Switch and usually the Xbox one controller can be detected on its own, BUT sometimes I've had issues and the switch controller never reads on its own so I use Steam. I recommend adding PSO through your steam, you should even be able to set it so steam skips the launcher entirely so you can launch the game fully with controller(even if it launches the launcher you can set it up so you can control your mouse with your controller so you can still do it all with controller). Then once its added, switch steam into big picture mode, set up your controller, and try launching the game like that.It might also be worth adding things to allow you to open the virtual keyboard so you can start and join lobbies as well as whatever hot keys you use on your hotbar.(ex: set hold right trigger+a to 1 so you can use abilities set to 1) Steams controller support is generally really solid and fairly simple to set up so hopefully this works for you
It seems to work fine if this is the first thing I run after starting up my PC but as soon as I go do other things and then come back it won't work anymore. I assume there's something weird happening with what input is getting priority but so far I haven't been able to figure it out. Sadly running it through steam didn't help.