Halloween Event


Guildcard 2
I'm just curious about what is happening. I know there is an event up and I know there are rare rappies. Are the drops from the rappies going to be revealed to the community? Are there any other details I should know about? I've been away for a couple of days so I'm lost.
I think the cat is out of the bag as far as what the event stuff is. Though, it's not completely finished yet.

In addition to the normal SEGA Halloween event, you have a random chance of going into a remixed Endless Nightmare or Phantasmal World spawn map when you load a quest.

During your time on the map:

- Your HP drains constantly. (TP drains as well on Fodra, at the moment.)
- Rare drop rates are tripled.
- Rare enemy appearance rates are higher.
- You fail if you die, even if you have a Scape Doll.
- You will gain triple experience *IF* you complete the quest. (Bonus experience is incremented during the entirety of the quest, but only given when the last enemy is defeated.)


- Healing rings have been removed from the maps.
- A random status will be inflicted on you every minute.
- You cannot return to Pioneer 2. (Telepipes/Ryuker are disabled.)

The HP/TP drain was initially too severe, so I've adjusted it on Auldrant and Lumireis with Fodra to follow soon.

As I said up top, the event will have some changes over time.
Yeah, PW is Phantasmal World.

It isn't the entire quest, though, just the final floor.
Sodaboy said:
random chance of going into a remixed PW spawn map when you load a quest

Does this work for all quests (in One Person mode as well as Normal mode, and also for Government quests)?
No, you have zero chance to get into the quests from One Person, Challenge or Battle mode.
falkenjeff said:
I haven't seen or heard of anyone triggering it on ep4
It can trigger from Episode 4, but there are no Episode 4 maps yet. You'll only get Episode 1 & 2. Working on some Episode 4 ones. Also there isn't a Temple and Spaceship map yet, but will be soon.

Also, it doesn't matter the episode you're in, you'll get a random map. You can get an Episode 2 map if you're in Episode 1.
Forgot to mention you get triple meseta as a payout as well. Tower Ult pays out 120k meseta.

Going to try to put some EP4 ones up tonight.

And to Jeff, I think when I initially put it up, it was possible. Like the very first day, but I corrected it almost immediately. :P So they could be right.
Thanks for all of the info. I appreciate knowing what is going on :P
Soda, would you disclose the % chance to pop into the event quests or would you prefer to keep that a secret? My buddy and I have hit it once already (and died fairly early on to a crit sinow ...) but have been running tons of quests since and have yet to see it again. Was wondering if it was like 2% or something very small or if we were just rather unlucky.
It's 2.5%.

Also, if you encounter the quest, you can't encounter it again for another 3 hours.

It rolls for the quest otherwise, every time you start a quest. However, if the roll fails, it won't try again for another 5 minutes.
Sodaboy said:
It's 2.5%.

Also, if you encounter the quest, you can't encounter it again for another 3 hours.

It rolls for the quest otherwise, every time you start a quest. However, if the roll fails, it won't try again for another 5 minutes.

Ahhh, to combat people just spamming quests without actually doing them. Got it. Thanks a ton for the info, hopefully second time around we won't wipe in 2nd room :^)
Oh man this sounds like hell for casts who are progressing still. *coughcough*
Don't worry, I'll be removing the experience loss on death for the quests. I already removed it on Lumireis. As soon as that one person gets off of Auldrant, I'll turn it off there. =P

Fodra will have the HP drain nerfed, TP drain removed, and experience loss disabled for these quests when I restart it at 02:00 UTC-6 tomorrow. (That's 2am, BTW.)

Edit: OK, patched Auldrant to not take exp from failing this quest.
There are now Episode 4 event maps and Fodra has had the drain patched.

Still need to create Temple and Spaceship maps.

Also, if you hear Tails' theme when in the Episode 4 event map, log off and log back on to get the updated music for the Episode 4 map. (h13.ogg)
:) this cast is quite excited, now I may actually get something good on my drag runs spams for a FS >.< ... **inoino everyone does FoS but I COMPLETED IT LIKEANOOB** CMON event map, daddy jus lvld im rdy 2 die!
I kinda wish phantasm world stayed in the server instead of only for a holiday just much more rare. xD
Phantasmal World has always been on the server, unless you're speaking about this particular variation.