GC Vet Joining BB!


Absolutely Ready!
I've been playing PSO on and off for years since the game launched on Gamecube back in 2002 and I recently got an itch to replay some old Gamecube games. Decided on giving Blue Burst another chance now that it's under fan management and because it would be easier to convince my friends to join a free game over all the hundreds of dollars I invested in the Gamecube version. Console versions are certainly a lot cheaper to get working now but they either require some elbow grease on the user's part or getting familiar with some extra parts to get older consoles online.

I'll edit this post as I establish myself in-game and find out about relevant information to post here. Have DnD every Friday and I'm celebrating my birthday tomorrow so I might not actually be starting until this weekend. :p

5/19/2019 Update!

Added my Guild Card to my forum account! It's 42043730 but that's already showing under my avatar so not sure how helpful saying that in this post is. Looking forward to hanging out in game. :wacko:
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I've been playing PSO on and off for years since the game launched on Gamecube back in 2002 and I recently got an itch to replay some old Gamecube games. Decided on giving Blue Burst another chance now that it's under fan management and because it would be easier to convince my friends to join a free game over all the hundreds of dollars I invested in the Gamecube version. Console versions are certainly a lot cheaper to get working now but they either require some elbow grease on the user's part or getting familiar with some extra parts to get older consoles online.

I'll edit this post as I establish myself in-game and find out about relevant information to post here. Have DnD every Friday and I'm celebrating my birthday tomorrow so I might not actually be starting until this weekend. :p
EEEEeeeeeee!!!! *POUNCES and examines over closely!* Yet another GC vet hears the Topless Sirens song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribes shore! Well, Good news for you is, Since Smash Brothers is enjoying a revival....Gamestops and others are stocking the new USB Plug GC control pads! Alot of our GC Devotee's have scooped these pads up...NOT to play Smash...but to PLAY PSO with that old school vibe they enjoyed as kids Allll those years ago~! Might wanna look into that after your birthda.... !! ....HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!!!!! Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you too! Welcome Home! =3!
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That's certainly an enthusiastic welcome! Looking forward to starting this weekend. I'm going to have to get used to starting fresh again. Making a character sheet and finding a Mag feeding plan is important but I'm not familiar with all the new gear introduced in Blue Burst and what's legitimately available on this server in particular so I've got plenty of studying to do before starting my first character. Still once that's all taken care of I'm looking forward to grinding my way back into Ultimate and deciding on items to farm for or even starting up another character to cover another Section ID to hunt rares for.

....oh and thank you for the happy birthday wish! Actually going to watch Detective Pikachu with family and have an ice cream cake. Going to be a fun day for sure. :D
Hi there Com! Thanks for dropping by in my introduction thread! Looking forward to playing with everyone. Last time I played PSO was on the Schthack server in the earlier half of this decade. I never had any problems with anyone there but it sounds like retired staff really hurt the server's reputation and players have for the most part left. Hopefully I'll maintain my streak of finding chill people to play with in PSO on this server for years to come.
Thanks for the warm welcome Spuz! And heck you even have a Mag Feed Plan in your signature!
That's going to help out a ton, thank you so much!

11:33 P.M. Edit

Depending how different the feeding of Mags is for this server I would assume creating 195 stat mags would be possible like on the Gamecube. I'll have to look for the old guide I used and try and compare the stat growth between the different versions or pull the guides I used out of an old hard drive.

12:14 A.M. Edit

Pretty sure I was misinterpreting something. I'll look over the guides with fresh eyes when I'm not on the verge of passing out.
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Hi there Com! Thanks for dropping by in my introduction thread! Looking forward to playing with everyone. Last time I played PSO was on the Schthack server in the earlier half of this decade. I never had any problems with anyone there but it sounds like retired staff really hurt the server's reputation and players have for the most part left. Hopefully I'll maintain my streak of finding chill people to play with in PSO on this server for years to come.
*Winces at mention of our old home....* MOST if not All of us here are also SCHT Refugee/survivors! Yes, even after schthack came back online after Crono-kins "LOST" 8 years of Alll our data, we REFUSED to return.....*takes a deep breath and walks away from the chance to RANT subject*. For the most part players from 'other servers' who want a warm REAL PSO vibe are coming ....HERE. Sooooo chances you might bump into an old Battle buddy are pretty good~! =3
Thanks for stopping by Troy! I'll send you whatever information is necessary for us to meet up in-game once I get a character up and running.

I'm sorry to hear how painful your experience with our old server was HoH. Hoping that things are much happier for you here and I'm looking forward to playing with you along with anyone else I meet in the forum or in-game.
195 mags are not possible via normal means. The only two ways to achieve 195 is to make a mark III mag (using rare cell on a baby mag) and any of its cell evolutions or have a non-pb elenor which was only available during an old event (since they released the cell, very unlikely to find one of these around though).

You can by feeding a baby mag and growing get 185 in any stat, this is the standard ''highest'' if you want to get Photon Blasts. You can however achieve 187/188 but this is like 80% more work for little gain (requires banking after every single item fed, rather than 3 fed every 3 mins 30).
I've been playing PSO on and off for years since the game launched on Gamecube back in 2002 and I recently got an itch to replay some old Gamecube games. Decided on giving Blue Burst another chance now that it's under fan management and because it would be easier to convince my friends to join a free game over all the hundreds of dollars I invested in the Gamecube version. Console versions are certainly a lot cheaper to get working now but they either require some elbow grease on the user's part or getting familiar with some extra parts to get older consoles online.

I'll edit this post as I establish myself in-game and find out about relevant information to post here. Have DnD every Friday and I'm celebrating my birthday tomorrow so I might not actually be starting until this weekend. :p

Welcome home. Also an old GC offline vet from the early 2000s. Scratched the itch back around 2011 for a bit and just recently joined Ephinea after a long hiatus. Game still feels great to this day and the additions Ephinea adds keep it fresh. Community here is super friendly and most people are willing to help. Don't be afraid to ask questions here, in game, or on the discord.

Also, tons of useful information here on the forum in old threads and the guides. Plenty more useful info on the wiki.
Thanks for stopping by my topic Thardin! I'll definitely ask for help within reason and make use of the community's gathered information.

And now that I'm thinking about it I never actually aimed for 195 builds on Gamecube but did manage to keep DEF at Level 5. Can mixed stat builds still manage that in Blue Burst or are DEF Level ups unavoidable?
Thanks for stopping by my topic Thardin! I'll definitely ask for help within reason and make use of the community's gathered information.

And now that I'm thinking about it I never actually aimed for 195 builds on Gamecube but did manage to keep DEF at Level 5. Can mixed stat builds still manage that in Blue Burst or are DEF Level ups unavoidable?

Pretty much every min-max mag build keeps 5 DEF. Think the only builds that have unavoidable DEF levels are builds going for max in a single stat. The 185 stat mags Spuz mentioned are going to have the rest of the points in DEF.
Good to know Thardin! Only tough part is making sure all the Mags I raise end up Sato's since I've always been fond of that design. A bit of planning will take care of that though. Well all I have left now is to decide on my first four characters so I can raise Sato's and what I want my first Section ID's to be for rare farming my entry level sets of gear for Ultimate.
Oh right there's a Discord server! I'll have to head on over there after I get back from the movies. Need to do some last minute prep before heading out and can't let myself get too distracted before then. See you all in Discord soon!
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