FOnewm mat plan

So, having been spoiled by Schthack, where Newmans get 200 mats instead of 150 (though this still doesn't make it easy to max stats), I've had to formulate a new plan for the vanilla experience: ... 1&unit4=4b

I don't care about DFP or EVP and want to be able to equip all four of those units at all times. I'm unhappy about the low LCK, though. I'd like more LCK and less MST for Episode II, but, unfortunately, you can't add LCK to mags. Any ideas?
diemildefreude said:
I'm unhappy about the low LCK, though. I'd like more LCK and less MST for Episode II, but, unfortunately, you can't add LCK to mags. Any ideas?
What's the problem? Use fewer Mind Materials and use Luck Materials, instead. Your MST will go down, and your LCK will go up. :P
This is what I'd use. I don't think melee is useful enough on a fonewm to justify investing in luck at all (or worrying about 6 extra atp). If you really want to kill de rol le by yourself with excal or whatever you can just take off your smartlink and equip a heavenly/luck (puts you at 95 lck with red ring). In the end defense probably doesn't really do anything either but it might be nice for soloing or casting gifoie. Some people might argue that it's better to rely on magical piece for the last 30 mst points, but I'd rather be able to max mst with a ra tech weapon/canes/barehand. You'll probably also wanna make 5/0/0/195 mag for soloing/casting techs (maxes mst at 143 with just v801).

With a 5/7/72/116 mag and all your units you can have max mst, ata, and sof atp at 173

For episode 2: ... 9&unit4=51 (800 atp is for hell slicer)
On Ephinea, FOnewm is probably better using melee than trying to use Techniques in multiplayer games. The server uses Vanilla boosts, so there's like 60% maximum boost on average for most techniques.

For example, Simples are like 40% simple cane, 30% technique merge (specific) and 10% from Ignition/Congeal/Tempest cloak, meaning you get 80% boost to simples maximum (with a lot of weapon/shield/armour switching), which is pitiful compared to what most people are used to (200-280% boost, I believe?). Normals are 30% from Magical Piece and 30% from the the specific merges (60% in comparison to 160%), and Hards are 30% from Psycho Wand and 30% from the specific merges (60% in comparison to 90-100%, not really much change here).

Of course it's probably better just using Demon's though, although melee is probably effective in the early maps (except Crater, since techniques are probably strong enough). Better to see what people are doing with vanilla boosts though, first.
Yeah it depends what you're playing I guess. IIRC (which I might not tbh) nothing in ep4 takes more than 2 extra casts of gifoie compared to scht, which still speeds things up by a lot (even with all the dmc). In ep1, I think it's still worth using gifoie on canabins and sinows (both blue and red). Also I think the boosts are more like 30(from fonewm) + 30 (magical piece) + 30 (gifoie merge) + 10?(ignition cloak) = 100% vs 30 + 60 + 60 + 40 = 190%. So it's definitely significant but still I think gifoie helps a lot. The main problem are si techs, which even on foney kinda suck in any area past caves and maybe crater (and grants too)

Still though, there just aren't many weapons available for fonewm. Yeah you can use excal and I guess guardianna to kill claws and some other weaker enemies. And as dumb as this is gonna sound to a lot of people, it quickly becomes worse than even vivienne foney. Which for example iirc can combo-kill (NHH) any caves enemy except pan-arms without zalure, and with zalure, any ep1 enemy except pan-arms, baranz, bringers, del-d, and belras. The amount of hit you would need on your excals/guardiannas to keep up with that as fonewm is just not feasible imo. I'll admit that some enemies aren't really able to be killed effectively with a melee weapon, and fonewm's guardianna/vulcans may be usable, but still.
16085k said:
Yeah it depends what you're playing I guess. IIRC (which I might not tbh) nothing in ep4 takes more than 2 extra casts of gifoie compared to scht, which still speeds things up by a lot (even with all the dmc). In ep1, I think it's still worth using gifoie on canabins and sinows (both blue and red). Also I think the boosts are more like 30(from fonewm) + 30 (magical piece) + 30 (gifoie merge) + 10?(ignition cloak) = 100% vs 30 + 60 + 60 + 40 = 190%. So it's definitely significant but still I think gifoie helps a lot. The main problem are si techs, which even on foney kinda suck in any area past caves and maybe crater (and grants too)

Still though, there just aren't many weapons available for fonewm. Yeah you can use excal and I guess guardianna to kill claws and some other weaker enemies. And as dumb as this is gonna sound to a lot of people, it quickly becomes worse than even vivienne foney. Which for example iirc can combo-kill (NHH) any caves enemy except pan-arms without zalure, and with zalure, any ep1 enemy except pan-arms, baranz, bringers, del-d, and belras. The amount of hit you would need on your excals/guardiannas to keep up with that as fonewm is just not feasible imo. I'll admit that some enemies aren't really able to be killed effectively with a melee weapon, and fonewm's guardianna/vulcans may be usable, but still.

A FOnewm with Girasole would still outdamage a FOnewearl with Vivienne... but yeah, you can't get Girasols with hit. However, that's the only thing that melee FOnewearl has going for her (except that it's probably a fun challenge). Keep in mind that Red Ring is obtainable on this server, which will help with Excalibur, Guardianna, Vise/Vulcans, etc. Also, FOnewms need 800 ATP to equip S-Rank J-Cutters for Hell or Arrest (which FOnewearl can't). There's also DoB, which works well with the SNS trick.

For techs, I'm mostly interested in Ra techs. As pointed out, the loss in boosts compared to Schthack isn't that big. I just find switching mags kind of annoying since there are certain areas where I want to be proficient in both melee and techs. I appreciate the suggestions and will consider them when making my plan.
I'm running into this same problem. Just curious, is there any possibility that there would be some modifications to Mat limits/tech boosts/merges on this server? Or is it going to be strictly as "vanilla SEGA" as possible? Not that they would have to be the same as schtserv's, but they did do a lot over there to make FO's useful and enjoyable (perhaps too much, hehe).

FOnewm's become relatively useless (at least damage-wise, and there are better support FO choices) without some really elite level gear in Ultimate otherwise. =(
There will not be any changes to material limits, tech boosts, or merges.
bigbadbobbyb said:
I'm running into this same problem. Just curious, is there any possibility that there would be some modifications to Mat limits/tech boosts/merges on this server? Or is it going to be strictly as "vanilla SEGA" as possible? Not that they would have to be the same as schtserv's, but they did do a lot over there to make FO's useful and enjoyable (perhaps too much, hehe).

FOnewm's become relatively useless (at least damage-wise, and there are better support FO choices) without some really elite level gear in Ultimate otherwise. =(

I wouldn't be opposed to an increased mat limit since it doesn't make sense for Casts to have it so much easier than Newmans when it comes to mat-plans, but I'm fine with leaving the tech boosts vanilla. FOnewm may be "relatively useless", but so is everyone else, e.g. hunters aren't running around with unlocked DFs and Rainbows, nor rangers with unlocked DMs or IFs. If they buff the FO's boosts, they'd have to do something for HUs and RAs and then we'd be back on Schthack.