
Introducing another quality of life addon, which brings a couple enhancements over the mapitem.txt minimap configuration file. What this does is provide directional indication of where desirable drops are located with respect to the direction your character is facing. Very similar to the Item Reader (floor) addon, you are able to filter %hit non-rare weapons. You can adjust the height of the individual 'tick' markers for various drops, so a rare weapon might be taller and thicker (bold) than a monomate.

I'll continue to improve this addon, but feel free to install and use the beta version while more features are being worked in.
  • now supports custom color and transparency
  • added invert and reverse options for item directionality
  • filter by distance and viewing cone (angle)
  • completely reworked configuration menu - its actually presentable!
You may find and install it:
>Drop Radar Addon Here<
Check out the front page in github, You'll see in more detail exactly what it does with .gif videos.


  • pso133468840034101970.png
    4.3 MB · Views: 305
  • SettingsMenu3.2.gif
    4.6 MB · Views: 242
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So you have incorporated the item reader here ? Cool!
It uses the item reader's underlying code base and is heavily based around it, yet is an entirely new creation. Check out the latest .gif to get a small taste of what it can do now!
Major update to the addon, after tracking a rare crashing bug (not unlike heaven punisher..), its now very stable and now includes a boat load more features. Please remove any previous installations and use this latest version!
I closes on me all the time... seems to crash if anything hits the floor?
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Just letting you all know I pushed 2 hotfixes; one to allow backwards compatibility with that November feature regarding a missing Clare's deal file and another so the critical code that was in another addon is now included. Tested latest everything and 1 commit before Nov. and it is working. Thank you again for your assistance, TiddlyWinks! :)

TL;DR - Should now work with older installs of solylib where this file was missing, and critical mistake I made that wouldn't let the addon work for anyone else.
Should work now, DM me or post here if you're still having trouble
Would you happen to have a video of this in action? I feel like I'm too dumb to understand this add-on but I'm interested.

I reset things and it shows up now, so ignore that, for some reason the radar itself was off screen? Maybe? Now to customize it. This is actually useful for me ^_^

I was wondering earlier, which led me to this. Would it be possible to do something like this, but on the map itself? Like how rares and scapes shows up now?
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I don't have the options.lua file within the Drop Radar folder. Could this be why the addon isn't working for me? It's not being recognized at all, and I see the readme saying all 3 .lua files must be in the Drop Radar folder. I have the other two, just missing the options.lua.