Do casts have some type of soul or are they humanoid?


Trap Vision
As far as I am concerned Falz takes the soul of the player after you've damaged him enough.
I was just wondering what does he take from a cast?
Does Falz actually take the soul from the player?
Also why does a cast die Cast when it gets hit with a megid?
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I don't believe Dark Falz "takes" your soul at any point, regardless of your character's race. According to the story, he has the ability to take control of any host, presumably the only condition being that the host be sentient. This is implied in the events that lead up to meeting him, facts uncovered by Red Ring Rico. Considering casts, humans and newmans are all sentient, they all fall under the category of "host" for Dark Falz. So the "soul" is irrelevant, as Dark Falz needs only a host body.

When he does this in his third form, he is taking control of your body so that any damage you inflict to him is inflicted on you as well. It's like a semi-control kind of thing. He's basically half injecting himself into you, and half keeping his former host in control to be able to kill you.

The real plot hole then, is why he does not abandon his former host's body in order to take over your body right before you deal him the killing blow. Realistically, he should be able to just jump to your body right before you manage to kill him. That's, supposedly, what he did to Red Ring Rico. You could argue that Red Ring Rico's will is so strong, that she is able to literally fight him from within his own mind, and this prevents him from being able to take over your body completely, thus allowing you to kill Dark Falz. In the process, Red Ring Rico sacrifices herself for the greater good of the people on Pioneer 2, as killing Dark Falz means killing her too. I would buy this theory, but it is never explicitly stated in the story.
The real plot hole then, is why he does not abandon his former host's body in order to take over your body right before you deal him the killing blow. Realistically, he should be able to just jump to your body right before you manage to kill him. That's, supposedly, what he did to Red Ring Rico. You could argue that Red Ring Rico's will is so strong, that she is able to literally fight him from within his own mind, and this prevents him from being able to take over your body completely, thus allowing you to kill Dark Falz. In the process, Red Ring Rico sacrifices herself for the greater good of the people on Pioneer 2, as killing Dark Falz means killing her too. I would buy this theory, but it is never explicitly stated in the story.

While it is canon that Rico sacrifices herself and is able to fight off Falz some (along with Flow and the parasite that is controlling him) the reason Falz doesn't jump your body is because he is getting reborn each time he dies (along with Olga Flow) and is coming back stronger each time (hard, vh, and ultimate are actually canon).

Ep3 actually explains this some.

Also megid is a destruction spell canon wise as well. Just a lot weaker in pso than it was in classic ps.

Megid in ps2 used your team mates own health for the blast and ps4 explains that the destructive spell is channeled through your emotions, in this case anger.
What if it's not so much that DF needs a 'soul' but 'sentience' that he can reprogram to his will? And, unless they're cyborgs, CASTs wouldn't have souls.
In PSO Ep.3, they are called Humanoids, not CASTs. Don't know why Sega/SonicTeam or the localization team did that.
I think through all the writing in the Phantasy Star games that it's definitely indicated that some androids, casts or whatever name you want to call them have the same level of sentience or "soul" as regular old humans and newmans.
Ep3 actually explains this some.
Episode III also "explains" that Rico and Flowen got shot into orbit to make space babies or somesuch, so... yeah. :| Sega lost track of PSO's story at some point, since the game contradicts itself with Rico being alive in the credits and then being treated as dead later on, and then it gets progressively sillier, especially where Episode III is involved.
Yeah ep 4 doesn't even make any since, it happens before 3 canon wise. Granted I haven't really looked into it so IDK.

Though I always assumed with Rico being alive is that she was alive in spirit or so.
but do they have

Considering that there are people who fantasize about this with animals, dragons, and other regrettable things, I'd say it's entirely within the realm of possibility.