Character Choice


Hi all! I am trying to decide on a purple themed character to wield purple weapons. I'm looking at HU, because I want to use the Soul Banish. All items I'm looking at are below:

Soul Banish
Slicer of Fanatic
Zero Divide
Demolition Comet

I'm not sure what others I might get but I want to know, what character should I make? I was actually thinking HUcaseal, but not sure which outfit I'd use. A good answer would be like [class] with [outfit selection]. Is there maybe a neat unique model could use for this?
There are also purple photon weapons. Repeater, cannon, cutter, glaive, breaker that hu can use
And if you're looking for a purple mag, agastya is my recommendation
And if you're looking for a purple mag, agastya is my recommendation
Agastya is a great choice, I haven't yet looked at mags. Also, with regard to the regular weapons, I know that much but at level 100 no one is using a Repeater. I want to ensure there are replacements in the rare items for the normal tools of the trade.
There's no replacements for single target guns with arrest, charge, zerk, spirit, demons, hell. I've played quite a bit of hu and you need all of these.
Non-rares are the strongest weapons in the game with the right special, so you'll definitely be using them all the way until 200! This event is actually a perfect chance to snap some of the your favourite colour from the Scavenger NPC.
Also, with regard to the regular weapons, I know that much but at level 100 no one is using a Repeater.
Charge Repeater with 50+ Hit is really good for any class, and like Matt said, it's easy to get during this event. (60 Hit!)
Non-rares are the strongest weapons in the game with the right special, so you'll definitely be using them all the way until 200! This event is actually a perfect chance to snap some of the your favourite colour from the Scavenger NPC.
Oh yeah, how would I be sure to get the right color?
How is that the case?
I'm trying to determine which character to play, and I'm being told that even with the stuff I want having multiple characters it can be used on, there's also regular weapons which can be used pretty much by any character! That makes it tougher to just decide on a character class. I'm thinking HUcaseal.
Well, if you want to use Demo Comet, you're still limited to four classes (all of the Hunters)... I'd recommend either HUcast or HUcaseal.
I'm trying to determine which character to play, and I'm being told that even with the stuff I want having multiple characters it can be used on, there's also regular weapons which can be used pretty much by any character! That makes it tougher to just decide on a character class. I'm thinking HUcaseal.
Follow your heart lol, go for HUcaseal since you have been talking about from the start ;)