CCA Problem


Resident of Colony 9
(Maybe it's supposed to be this way on vanilla BB, but maybe not, so I'll post it here.)

I tried to finish CCA (on hard) a while ago and activated all security computers. I did not finish CCA, however, and quit after activating the last computer. I did not go back to the Main Gate and I also do not remember the order in which I completed the three areas.

Just now, I tried to finish CCA and was surprised. First, the computer in front of the Main Gate told me immediately (was jut checking it for fun) that all Security Systems are shut off and the Main Gate will now be opened. Nothing happened, however, and I came to the conclusion that this has to be a translation error of some kind. It turns out it isn't.

I started in Jungle and noticed that the security computer was already activated. Same for Mountains. Same for Seaside. I finished all three areas, the security computer was already activated in every area. Talking to the gate computer did not acomplish anything, same with the lab. The gate did not unlock.

Is this supposed to happen?
a bug i recall is that sometimes in CCA after activating one of those switchs the main gate opens without needed to do the rest.
The CCA door switches should not save between sessions. You are supposed to need to do Jungle, Mountain, and Seaside every time you enter Episode II.
So, your character is still bugged like that? Is this during government or regular "free roam"?
I'm not sure why this would be the case, but I'll check it out. We don't do ANY special code for CCA. When you activate the switches, though, your client probably sends an OP code to set the flag that the switch has been pressed. I may have to set some code in the server to say that any OP code to set flags should be ignored unless a quest has been loaded. But if the Government CCA quest and the free roam quest use the same flags for activating the switch, you'd run into the same problem after hitting the switches in Government mode when returning to free roam.

Time to investigate :o
I wasn't able to reproduce your exact problem, but I did reproduce the gate flags saving for CCA. (However, when I went into my game with all 3 gates unlocked, I was able to simply walk up to the gate and it went down, which could be abused for spamming Gal Gryphon fast.)

What I did was code a workaround and ignore when flags 0x0046, 0x0047 and 0x0048 request to be saved. (Each gate respectively.) Also, whenever a character logs on and has those flags set in their data, they're cleared. This locks CCA back up for the free roam quest but doesn't affect the government quest.

You won't see this fix until I do maintenance early Sunday morning, so you'll have to hang on until then.
For some reason my response earlier didn't post correctly. (now that Soda's replied it makes my post moot)

I have checked the free roam files and can confirm that the flags are being set. And that to check the status of the locks it gget's the flags. So appears to be by design of Sega. Having never played on sega's servers I couldn't tell you how it was done there. But it makes no sense that they would put in the code and ignore it server side. But then again SonicTeam seem to do a lot that makes no sense. Unless SonicTeam wanted to be able to save the state of each gate per session.

Disabling the gset saving on flags 0x0046, 0x0047 and 0x0048 will allow players to create a new game and have the gate state remain as long as they don't log out (as gset will still update the client side memory). It will only clear when a player relogs or changes blocks/ships.
In the JP official server the gates switches of CCA resets on "free roaming" everytime you create a brand new room regarless of your level or your progress with goverment quests.
ok. we may need to make some changes when you create a new game to push the reset value. I suspect if we are to block the gset from saving it will still be marked as set in the client until the character data is sent to the client when they change blocks
I already made the changes already in the patch coming Sunday and no, that's not the case Tofuman.