B> Full Tyrells Ego


Without rain, nothing grows.
Guildcard 2
Looking for a team in order to complete.

Currently me and @Xarli want to do it for ADR. We have: RAcast 200 / FOmar 200

So we are currently looking for two HIGH LEVEL players, one HUcast and one RAmar with demons? perhaps. If you don't have experience in EGO it matters not since I have done and we can redo a time or two. Though experience prefered. Also I can form a second team with my 198 FOmarl if there is 3 others also interested in a full ego for ADR. Please post and let us know. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH :3
I'd be down later tonight if you guys are still on.
I have 18x FOmarl and 15x HUcast I can use, possibly a 12x RAcast but he's kinda weak :oops:
We'll be on a few hours but I am not sure if we will be able to tonight. We shall see. Either way were on most days :).
Ofc bro always ;)

200 FOmar / 200 RAcast / 180 HUneweal / 15x HUcast seems like a good team to me. Xarl had to shoot so the 4 of us can have at it in a day or two.

If anyone else still want to EGO, the second party is just me on my FO atm :)
Who needs a HUcast? I'll carry you fucks on my HUmar. I'm down for a run whenever everyone is online.
oooo, Da Vex man. So we has 3 for party two! Just one more (Could really do with a cast for 4th just purely for the traps...).
I have Lv. 200 RAcast or Lv. 198 HUcast, whichever you prefer. The RAcast has very good equips. The HUcast has average equips (50% hit Charge everything and a Meteor Cudgel), but I think most of you have seen I'm still very efficient with him.

I know the quest pretty well and I would be happy to get an ADR. I'm stuck at work for like 8 more hours today, though. Want to try it tonight when I get home?

If we 4-way PB before the run so we get a faster start, we'll crush it. It'll last us halfway into Caves.

I don't know all of the extra spawns. I know a LOT of them. Does someone have this 100% memorized and could guide us on Teamspeak / Discord so we don't miss anything? I also don't mind if it takes more than one attempt because I just like to play, but I don't want to cause the run to fail xD

Edit: To answer the previous paragraph, I just read the first post better :P
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Sweet, Looks like we got our two teams set up:

200 FOmar (Xarli) / 200 RAcast (Me) / 180 HUneweal (Skyly) / 15x HUcast (Andy)


FOmarl (Me) / HUmar (Vex) / RAmar (Dab) / HU/RAcast (Ade)

Now we, all just need to arrange a time in which we can all be on to meet. Please post your available times or somthing? @Ade @Dab @NGEFreek @conenubi701 @Xarli @Andy

Or hopefully I bump into you all later. I'll be checking your cards etc ;)


On a seperate note:

pay me a few dollars and i'll consider carrying this team

Go be a troll somewhere else please. This thread is here for me and the above to gather and play 'ego', not for you to build your 'ego'.
I think he was just playing around, Spuz .-.

I'll be off work at 5:30 PM CST. I'll probably be able to play sometime around 7 or 8.
Ill on most of the rest of the day today, or if it works for others, I can try to fit in whenever everyone else can meet up.
Me and Xarl are both on now and if your around we just need to wait for @Andy for party 1 to get a ego run :_)
On weeknights, I get home from work around 5:00pm MDT and I'm off every weekend. I won't be on tonight until after 6:30pm MDT though.
Vex and Dab are both offline. But we can swap Andy (as he is offline) into that group and go as the 4 we have.