Are you new to PSO?


Staff member
We just whipped together a Beginner's Guide to PSO for those who have no idea what PSO is and also want to know the basics of playing.

You can find the guide at

Please note that this isn't designed to be an extensive guide to PSO. It's merely just to introduce and scratch the surface of the game.

I know for myself, when I first started playing PSO, a lot of the fun was had not knowing anything about the game and figuring it out as I went a long.

Of course, we have guides in our forum, thanks to the other members of the Ephinea community, for those who want more details on things... You can also find other guides elsewhere on other PSO resource sites, but we hope this guide is good for the newbies. :)

If we've made some mistakes or you think there is some content we should put in the guide that a new player really needs to know as soon as they start playing, let us know and we'll see about adding it to the guide.

Thanks for playing here!
You should add next and previous links on each page so you can browse without having to go to the index ;)
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Thanks Sodaboy! I was having trouble playing PSO but this guide makes it easy to understand and play!

Where would I be without you...

I agree with Soly that Next/Previous links are a good idea.

I also fixed a couple of typos on the pages, but looking good to me.
I'll clean up the links (and probably the guides themselves) eventually.

Coren's List is definitely up to date.
Alright, I added the navigation buttons at the bottom of every page of the guide now...
Woops, noticed a page I made wasn't properly inserted to the guide, I've added the missing "Finding Items" section.