Add Hit% to BARANZ or add % to Charge Arms?

Photon Crystals can't be used on the charge arms. PC's are only used to add hit% to enemy part weapons. (and Black paper deal quests).

Photon Drops/Photon Spheres are used to add %'s to N/A/M/D.

Just use freeze traps/Rabarta or Spread/Arrest needle to stop everything THen mow'em down with the baranz launcher. Or play in groups.
GUH! Silly me. I always get Photon Crystals and Spheres confused o_O And I just feel like a HUcast with a shot when I use the BARANZ. I'm trying to get used to it. Maybe it will grow on me, but if I want to feel like a HUcast, I'll play as my HUcast. I can't stomach seeing a Lv190 RAnger miss half the time.
GUH! Silly me. I always get Photon Crystals and Spheres confused o_O And I just feel like a HUcast with a shot when I use the BARANZ. I'm trying to get used to it. Maybe it will grow on me, but if I want to feel like a HUcast, I'll play as my HUcast. I can't stomach seeing a Lv190 RAnger miss half the time.
Use your freeze traps my friend and it will hit everything.