A> Vjaya [100/100/0/0|75] + [0/0/100/100|90] [Sold]

I'm out for real this time.

I think I earned a parting thought:

Cam. Well done. Well fought.

A couple years ago you said that some of the prices I charge are really low and I should look out for myself more. I regret not taking your advice because now I don't have the resources to be competitive against better and smarter bidders. Furthermore, none of my generosity ever really came back to benefit me in any way. It was just a waste. Although late, it's time to take your advice. It's time to stop being a people pleaser and rather be a bit more selfish for myself. (And no, this doesn't mean becoming Ebenezer Scrooge, but maybe to just dial it back a bit.) Take care. As always, you win.
I'm out for real this time.

I think I earned a parting thought:

Cam. Well done. Well fought.

A couple years ago you said that some of the prices I charge are really low and I should look out for myself more. I regret not taking your advice because now I don't have the resources to be competitive against better and smarter bidders. Furthermore, none of my generosity ever really came back to benefit me in any way. It was just a waste. Although late, it's time to take your advice. It's time to stop being a people pleaser and rather be a bit more selfish for myself. (And no, this doesn't mean becoming Ebenezer Scrooge, but maybe to just dial it back a bit.) Take care. As always, you win.
Well surely the reason for your generosity was for the benefit of others rather than yourself, in which case it was far from a waste for the people than did benefit from it. :)
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