A>Tsumikiri J-Sword +50 [0/0/0/25] [CLOSED]


Resident of Colony 9
I am now selling the item directly here:

If you are interested in this item, post here or PM me. We might be able to work something out.



(The item has already been unsealed, the tekk-pic is just a lot cooler to look at.)

Reserve: 350 PDs
Countdown: 72 hours


Top Tier Priority: I value these items very highly.
Slicer of Fanatic with 45+ Hit
Diska of Braveman 55+ Hit [Space for A. Beast and Dark mandatory]
Excal with 25+ Hit [Clean, A. Beast or Machine]

High Priority: Also valued highly, but a bit lower than Top Tier.
Hell Raygun 60+ Hit
Vjaya 50+ Hit
Vivienne 40+ Hit [Space for Native mandatory]

Medium Priority: Thing I want, but not that necessary for my characters
Lavis Blade [Any Stats]
Megid 30

Weird Priority: That spot between Medium and Low.
Dark Flow [50/50/0/0/50] [Similar stats might work, N/AB mandatory.]
Gurdianna with good Native and A. Beast, very good A. Beast only also might work [No Hit necessary] [Offer what you have, I'll check if it suits me.]

Low Priority: Valued a bit lower than the rest, but a PD is a PD.
Photon Spheres [1:97]
PCs [1:1, might not accept too many of these]
TP Materials [4:1]

You can, of course, bid other stuff, too. Surprise me!

Should I think of any more wants, I will add those to the post.

Thanks for bidding!
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I don't think it's about interest, just the reserve is way too hight imo.

Maybe. I was told 300 PDs is the minimum this thing is worth. Dark is the most desirable stat for a TJS and it can also be sphered in any other stat (which will probably be Machine). Being already unsealed is a nice plus too, of course.

An A. Beast SJS was sold for 300 PDs and A. Beast is the worst stat on it, so 350 seemed fair to me.
I'd say it's high for a reserve, but correct for value. Reserve and value are not the same thing.

Most ubers are best sold straight up and not auctioned IMO.
I'd say it's high for a reserve, but correct for value. Reserve and value are not the same thing.

Most ubers are best sold straight up and not auctioned IMO.
That may be true! I just turned this into a straight-up S> topic. Thanks!