5 way Level 200 Montage

A Man in Flames

30K Gi Gue Slayer

It is, the Legendary Gi Gue slaughterer. It's been a little over one year since that great tragedy where I was trapped in the Control Tower, killing endless swarms of Gi Gues. Ever since my escape, I have been busy with other missions.

I share with you all, a dank montage of my recent 5 char level 200 parade:
This was originally going to be a 6 way level 200 but due a server desync while I was preparring my FOmarl for this occasion, I hit level 200 prematurely. The interesting thing is, I hit level 200 server side first meaning I was still 199 client side (see screen shot below). Of course, a relog corrected this but I was ultimately screwed out of doing 6 chars in one go.

As evidenced by both the posted video and my signature, I have 8 chars at level 200 now. Since I have come this far, I have decided to go all the way and level the remaining 4 character classes to 200: RAmar, RAmarl, FOnewm, and FOnewearl.

Will I be the first player on Ephinea to achieve this? Find out in the coming months!
you sir, are a boss. Cg ! You're likely the only one haha. The real question is what will you do once all are 200?
Thank you!

I'll simply hunt anything I haven't found over the course of leveling 12 characters to 200 and of course this includes ubers. There's always TA too if I feel like going semi-pro. I got my ass kicked royally by @Roo during the 3rd anniversary event =)
Which one do you enjoy playing the most? great work!
30,000+ Gi Gues aside: HUcast. No contest. After that, any of the other 3 HUs-- though I am quite fond of HUnewearl (she was my 2nd 200 not long after my HUcast).

In general, I favor melee combat in all games I play-- PSO obviously not being an exception.

Side note: I had 8 chars on Xbox (4 of which hit 200: HUmar, FOmar, RAcast, and HUnewearl in that order). 4 on Schthack (HUcast, HUnewearl, RAcast, and FOmar; all hit 200). Let's just say, I've done the whole 200 thing a few times =)
As evidenced by both the posted video and my signature, I have 8 chars at level 200 now. Since I have come this far, I have decided to go all the way and level the remaining 4 character classes to 200: RAmar, RAmarl, FOnewm, and FOnewearl.

I have 4 lvl 200's right now and 2 are very close. I do think you will be the first to achieve this and I will become the latter. However, leveling itself is not a goal for me as well as gearing every char to the fullest. This will take a while for me.
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