260/350 Forest Mae Runs


Sup guys. I'm new here but it looks like I'm going to be reaching level 184 before the end of this event (that's the plan anyway). Joined a little over a week ago lol, fastest to 184? Kek

I'm a blufull so I'm going to be running the forest Mae quest at least 350 times before it's over. In this thread I will document my travels, rare drops etc. I hope to get at least 1 heavens punisher (I'm a hc player btw). I'll post anything cool with hit etc.

Each Mae run nets about 100k exp for me right now, each run taking about 6-7 minutes. This will be a 40+ hour grind to lvl 184 (43m exp). Wish me luck! Stay tuned for the results lol

Current forest Mae run count: 70/350

Notable finds: Guilty light 30% hit

Hildetorr count: 6

Gold 4 virus armor: 12/24

Other shit I'm sure lol
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I will definitely be joining you for many of these runs with the rare spawn rate being higher right now!