
  1. Biscuit

    B I S C U I T's skins

    Hey everyone ! I'd like to introduce here my maps rework/reskin. I'm planning to rework the maps i really like, it's still a project for now because of the time it's taking, but that's something i really enjoy. Here's the download link (thanks Cashmira !) : >>> Biscuit's Texture Pack <<<...
  2. Biscuit

    Hildetorr spawn

    Hello there, I've been hunting hildetorr for a long time now in OnePerson mode and Ultimate and i'm going to have some doubts about they are still in the game. Is the Hildetorr rate in OnePerson mode really high ? Is there a difference that make them impossible to see ? I'm wondering if my...
  3. We do a little trolling

    We do a little trolling

  4. Rare Lep

    Rare Lep

  5. h u n e y w a v e

    h u n e y w a v e

  6. Phantasy Star Online - Soul Calibur crossover - YouTube

    Phantasy Star Online - Soul Calibur crossover - YouTube

    PSOBB addon to play "The Legend Will Never Die" sound clip when enemies are defeated with a Soul Calibur equipped. Easily the dumbest thing I've ever made.
  7. Well this was an awkard time to start a cutscene.

    Well this was an awkard time to start a cutscene.

    Alica, could you maybe, take a few steps back please?
  8. Forest


    Cool bloom texture
  9. Forest


    An overview shot of part of the forest :D
  10. Yellow Sato GET!

    Yellow Sato GET!

    My 3rd Sato I've made so far on Ephinea, another POW Sato. This one is for my RAcaseal, Bee, to match her color.
  11. Mind Sato GET!

    Mind Sato GET!

    At long last, I've finally leveled up this mag to evolve into a Sato. It was more of a passion project than anything, since Sato HAS to have 45 DEX on it. DEX and POW are pretty much good for nothing to me on my FOnewearl, Red Fox. But still, I'm glad I have it now. :3
  12. Smartest Gigobooma On Ragol

    Smartest Gigobooma On Ragol

    Was doing a Forest run and witnessed this Gigobooma's amazing sense of direction.