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  • You must have been warned a lot already but anyway: Don't waste your time watching Netflix's Death Note.
    Started and finished "The great tournament" on android. Really fun if you like medieval stuff and rpg's.
    Yeah it was fun, a throw back to a very different era of gaming. Have you checked out any of the Gurk games? I love what he did with the 3rd one.
    I haven't. A friend sent me the link of The Great Tournament and said it was a cool game i should try; indeed it was, i almost didn't sleep when i downloaded it 2 nights ago.. I tried a couple of their other games (Choice of) but they seem inferior. .
    Is there an expression in english language for when you are throwing away that old stuff you don't need anymore? I'm doing that.
    Couldn't resist and watched the leaked GoT episode: Pretty. Fucking. Epic.
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    Reactions: VENOM
    I'm excited, will be watching it tomorrow
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    Reactions: .Kuja
    "William Tell Overture"plays automatically on my mind whenever i'm riding a horse on a videogame.
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    Reactions: Nyte
    Mine would be "Offenbach - Infernal Gallop"
    Yes, that one also works, altought i associate this Offenbach tune with the Can Can dance, and the french ballerinas rasing their legs in synch
    Just lost a pokemon battle online after... 5 years withouth playing? more? Not sure, but i'm glad i remembered my gen3 team
    I get destroyed in pokemon online. I rely too much on RNG Thunder Wave and @fishhao murders me
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    Reactions: .Kuja
    Well i played always with the same gen3 team relaying on the element of surprise and the hipster factor but it has a lot of flaws and i don't play with other teams so i'm not really good. I had another really cheese team i actually invented back on the day, strong af, but it is illegal (species clause -on netbattle you could challenge people with it).
    My "little" sister (20) is afraid to light a match. How's she gonna survive life? #KidsTheseDays
    Fine, she can do a dance and summon fire lol
    Lmao. I'm kinda joking, but also kinda worried about how dependant on technology and how lackluster basic "life" skills some people have nowadays.
    Yep, technology is making us all more lazy lool.
    Once i got more ATP on RAmar, Yas9K are killing mobs faster than HS. Guess i'll get Dual Bird, probably the more suitable weapon for me.
    Oh I misinterpreted then lol.

    But likely Yas is killing faster because it hits more in little time compared to a single hit from HS which is a little slower.
    Yes, i do about 900+ with a Yas Hard attack, while doing 520+ with HS; also as Yas hits more times it has more chance to crit. HS is better for multi-mode, zerk special and handgun animation tho. I have yet to try Dual Bird.
    Oh yeah I forgot about the crit chance to, but yeah DB seems quite promising after knowing Yas does that.
    That moment when pso-world is on maintenance and you have a mini heart attack
    That's odd. Maybe they are doing a host upgrade. I doubt they'd be upgrading anything site related as they just upgraded the site not too long ago... I GUESS YOU'LL FIND OUT WHEN IT RETURNS.
    Just got 2 rainbows on 60+ pulls on the Brave Exvius Tidus banner and no Tidus... :(
    Oh! Hablas esp? uwu Y yo no saque nada de nada :( me pone triste nomas me falta orlando y tidus para tener lo que quiero jajaja, bueno una rikku no me caeria mal
    Me gasté 45 tickets y 12k lapis en el Tidus banner, o sea que me salieron como 5 rikkus xD
    Just bought the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe, the guy is a Maestro.
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    Reactions: Nyte
    I have it to. Won it Halloween last year.
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    Reactions: .Kuja
    How do male characters live without the awesome feeling of the fast Last Swan animation? *playing Ramar*
    The thing is i was talking mainly about the LS animation. There is nothing like that for males because MR is locked and Mechs have that annoying recovery time. Damage wise i know sacrificial is best, but i feel better playing with LS in solo; i should get a charge raygun for multi games tho, as i hate charge mechs.
    Actually, LS does more damage than Charge Raygun on most classes you can use it on, usually. Only HS can match it in power. Since LS has low ATP while HS has high ATP, enemies with high DFP is less favorable for it while enemies with low DFP is more favorable. I forgot to mention critical hits earlier, which kind of affect the two kinds of weapons differently; a percentage increase in power vs. occasional high hit.
    Yes, i haven't found a more suitable gun for solo with HUne. But LS on multi does cause DMC, while maybe a RL Charge Raygun would be better in that regard.
    The greenill finding gave me two reasons to be happy: One more badge location and not having to hunt stuff in mines.
    So Skyly badge could be stuff like: Kondrieu, Girta, Eclair, AA, Epsilon... Rip if Kondrieu lol.
    what is the drop rate for a badge matt? Is it like astronomically out of my reach (only got a couple days to collect all 10 lol)
    They're designed so nobody can hunt for them all alone. The badge drop rates range from really easy (like a LK14) to difficult (like a Lame)
    Kondrieu doesn't drop badges, since we didn't want to force people to slog through Desert just for a very chance at a badge. (LMB doesn't drop badges)
    "Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself."
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