Recent content by Eggbert

  1. Eggbert

    Sound problems

    I have this problem. Installed the game on a new laptop, and a few second into the lobby and the audio cuts out completely.
  2. Eggbert

    Can you play this on Steam Deck?

    I’m usually not that good with this sort of thing, but it’s amazing what kind of hoops I can suddenly jump thru in order to play this game.
  3. Eggbert

    Can you play this on Steam Deck?

    Please say yes.
  4. Eggbert

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Why did he use Weak/Weak/Strong attack on the mines boss? I would think with his level he could just Strong/Strong/Strong attack it? or is Ultimate that hard? (I'm in Very Hard right now, about to go to Ultimate.)
  5. Eggbert

    Dragon Quest XI

    Wait for the Switch version so that you can play it while laying in bed.
  6. Eggbert

    Odd Camera Angle

    Odd camera angle change. I was playing in the caves and some enemies backed me up against a wall where the camera view lowered. When I defeated them and walked out, the camera view stuck in a lower position even after teleporting. Restarting the game fixed it. (The above was just a side...
  7. Eggbert

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I've been playing my Large FOmar lately and I have some questions... 1) I'm always using techniques, so what's the use of force weapons rods, wands... 2) Do the % on force weapons boost your techniques or just that weapon?
  8. Eggbert

    My odd playstyle, the solo artist.

    Solo is very therapeutic.
  9. Eggbert

    My odd playstyle, the solo artist.

    I've been solo playing here except for the rare times that one of my close friends is able to get online the same time as me. Here are the main reasons: 1) I don't know what my role is in a group. I would probably get into a party and revert to solo mode and get yelled at. 2) I haven't quite...
  10. Eggbert

    turn off the blacklist feature, replace with voting option for kick

    As Captain America says, "Language". I can think of some people that'll blacklist you for the word you just used in your post. I don't think anyone "accidentally" blacklists anyone.
  11. Eggbert

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Government quests have nothing to do with it. You must complete ALL the side quests (on that particular difficulty) in order to unlock all the side quests. Otherwise those quests can only be done once. There might be a way to skip a few I think.
  12. Eggbert

    AFK characters? I don't get it.

    When I get in lobby 1, I see the same characters there a lot. But I have the feeling they are AFK. So my question is... is there some sort of advantage to keeping your character logged into the lobby even though you aren't playing? I'm not bashing it, I'm just curious. (The recent post about...
  13. Eggbert

    3rd Anniversary Event Thread

    Final killgate is at 25,00. I’m at 6,509. Maybe there are smaller tiered gates.
  14. Eggbert

    2D Phantasy Star Online

    I'm picturing it being the same game but the camera is looking top down. I say 2D, but in actuality it would be the same game, just from above with worst graphics.
  15. Eggbert

    2D Phantasy Star Online

    Since you don't jump in this game, a 2D version could be playable. It would be cool to play a 2D version on an old NES. Although monsters do fly and thus can't be hit by lower attacks, but I would think you could accomplish it by giving visual ques that the monster is flying out of reach.