Recent content by CaptainRembo

  1. CaptainRembo

    What are you listening to?

  2. CaptainRembo

    Christmas Event is live

  3. CaptainRembo

    Can you guys help me ?

    Also filled it out for you dude
  4. CaptainRembo

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just picked up Escape from Tarkov as it's 25% off atm for the weekend. Been watching it for ages but have been waiting for the prices to drop, looks like excellent fun. While it downloads I'm currently partway through a replay of Bioshock Infinite, never got around to playing the DLC's as I...
  5. CaptainRembo

    Well Hello There!

    Hey there Firakonex :) I have to agree, PSO2 is just lacking in some ways. I dabbled with it a couple of years back, but just didn't get invested in it. Welcome back to the primetime!
  6. CaptainRembo

    What TV shows are you currently watching?

    Reviving a dead thread... GO! I don't watch anime, I watch a few cartoon shows (Metalocalypse, Archer, Rick and Morty), but they don't fall under the category of anime. So yeah. I just finished watching the Punisher. My god was it good. Jon Bernthal was the perfect choice to play Frank Castle...
  7. CaptainRembo

    RIP John Dunsworth

    I was gutted when I found out Dunsworth had passed away. I was planning on buying his Dicshitnary for my friend as a Christmas gift :( I hope they do the right thing and decide to leave the show as is. There is one more season coming out that they'd already filmed before he passed, and I hope...
  8. CaptainRembo

    Selfie thread.

    Just before I went on holiday to the US of A While I was over there, I did get to have a bit a of a laugh, at America's expense.
  9. CaptainRembo

    Keyboard and mouse, or controller?

    @NDW You're amazing! I recently made a FOmarl, and was trying to migrate from controller to keyboard due to needing more buttons for techs, but was finding it ridiculously hard to do so, but thanks to your post I can fully FO on my controller; THANK YOU!
  10. CaptainRembo

    What are you listening to?

  11. CaptainRembo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Are there any solid guides on how to exact feed a mag to get it to Chao stats? I've been using this guide, but it's a bit too vague. I've got mag feeding charts up, but I'm still finding it hard to somewhat balance the stats. Any advice/help would be great.
  12. CaptainRembo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thanks for the answer, a friend and I were going to try this today, thanks for saving us a wasted afternoon!
  13. CaptainRembo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I know back on GC, in offline mode you could cycle mobs if looking for a specific one, I.E a room with lots of Rappy, you could drop a pipe, go back to Pioneer 2, and go back down to give yourself another chance at getting rare alternatives to spawn. Is this doable online? Found a great mission...
  14. CaptainRembo

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Yesterday I found my second Hallo Rappy and managed to get a screenshot this time! I actually got a lantern this time around, and I got Heart of Chao :D
  15. CaptainRembo

    What are you listening to?

    Confused Bi-Product has done another Retro Darkwave Horror Synth Special, it's thanks to him I started to get into this genre of music. Pretty good way to get a taste for it if you ask me!