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  1. CaptainRembo

    What are you listening to?

  2. CaptainRembo

    Christmas Event is live

  3. CaptainRembo

    Can you guys help me ?

    Also filled it out for you dude
  4. CaptainRembo

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just picked up Escape from Tarkov as it's 25% off atm for the weekend. Been watching it for ages but have been waiting for the prices to drop, looks like excellent fun. While it downloads I'm currently partway through a replay of Bioshock Infinite, never got around to playing the DLC's as I...
  5. CaptainRembo

    Well Hello There!

    Hey there Firakonex :) I have to agree, PSO2 is just lacking in some ways. I dabbled with it a couple of years back, but just didn't get invested in it. Welcome back to the primetime!
  6. CaptainRembo

    What TV shows are you currently watching?

    Reviving a dead thread... GO! I don't watch anime, I watch a few cartoon shows (Metalocalypse, Archer, Rick and Morty), but they don't fall under the category of anime. So yeah. I just finished watching the Punisher. My god was it good. Jon Bernthal was the perfect choice to play Frank Castle...
  7. CaptainRembo

    RIP John Dunsworth

    I was gutted when I found out Dunsworth had passed away. I was planning on buying his Dicshitnary for my friend as a Christmas gift :( I hope they do the right thing and decide to leave the show as is. There is one more season coming out that they'd already filmed before he passed, and I hope...
  8. CaptainRembo

    Selfie thread.

    Just before I went on holiday to the US of A While I was over there, I did get to have a bit a of a laugh, at America's expense.
  9. CaptainRembo

    Keyboard and mouse, or controller?

    @NDW You're amazing! I recently made a FOmarl, and was trying to migrate from controller to keyboard due to needing more buttons for techs, but was finding it ridiculously hard to do so, but thanks to your post I can fully FO on my controller; THANK YOU!
  10. CaptainRembo

    What are you listening to?

  11. CaptainRembo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Are there any solid guides on how to exact feed a mag to get it to Chao stats? I've been using this guide, but it's a bit too vague. I've got mag feeding charts up, but I'm still finding it hard to somewhat balance the stats. Any advice/help would be great.
  12. CaptainRembo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thanks for the answer, a friend and I were going to try this today, thanks for saving us a wasted afternoon!
  13. CaptainRembo

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I know back on GC, in offline mode you could cycle mobs if looking for a specific one, I.E a room with lots of Rappy, you could drop a pipe, go back to Pioneer 2, and go back down to give yourself another chance at getting rare alternatives to spawn. Is this doable online? Found a great mission...
  14. CaptainRembo

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Yesterday I found my second Hallo Rappy and managed to get a screenshot this time! I actually got a lantern this time around, and I got Heart of Chao :D
  15. CaptainRembo

    What are you listening to?

    Confused Bi-Product has done another Retro Darkwave Horror Synth Special, it's thanks to him I started to get into this genre of music. Pretty good way to get a taste for it if you ask me!
  16. CaptainRembo

    A Belated Greetings

    Welcome aboard Davidicus! Good to see you're bringing your friends and family along for the ride! I've been trying to persuade some of my friends to pick up the game, but they seem a lil... resistant. They're all too excited playing Destiny 2 or CoD: WWII to even look at PSO sadly. Hopefully...
  17. CaptainRembo

    Sooooo Hello.

    Welcome aboard Zod! Nice to see another GameCube player returning to the fold! I'm sure you'll settle in nicely here ^^
  18. CaptainRembo

    Poking my head in to say hello

    Hey Wisp! I get your deal completely dude! For a while I kept making One Person games when I first started playing again to get to grips with the game again, and to do the old single player quests to relive the past. But when I got to around Mines, I decided sod it, and started doing open...
  19. CaptainRembo

    First time online player here

    A scrub is a guy who can't get no PD's from me Dying at the side of his best friends TTF XP ride Trying to get a moon atomizer from me I don't know where that came from, I'm tired XD Welcome aboard fwab, I hope you enjoy yourself here!
  20. CaptainRembo

    Hello from me

    Welcome aboard, watch out for the Rappies, the little blighters bite!