Bank organization

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Cassie 9

Real Life Red Ring Rico
I'm sure this has been thought of before, but I figure I'd bring it up just in case. Is there any way to be able to favorite items in the bank so that they appear first? Or put items in a separate folder or something? It's such a pain to have to scroll through all of my banks every time to change my gear.
An improvement to the banking system would definitely be welcome.

I think tabbed banking would likely be best. Items are clearly already grouped at some level as this is used when in the Equip menu, so having separate tabs in the bank to allow you to filter by type of item (armor slots vs weapons vs frames etc) would be a nice addition.
this would definitely be appreciated! often times i just carry more than i need to avoid the part where i put things away only to have to rifle through 200 items to find them again.

addendum: perhaps a bank increase, or (per my suggestion sometime last year) adding another bank so that players can access /bank, /bank1, /bank2, etc. might be cool too.
Some method of sorting/filter or something would be great, though it seems like these kind of changes would be hard but I do not know how the server/game is set up. Ideally lists just are not great for inventory management but I do not see a more current style of grid inv management being added to this game.

Best case scenario I think, if we could increase the size of the window, add multiple banks, some kind of favorite system, or filter to just what you wanna find, plus increased max beyond just 200 would be nice if we don't get multiple banks. I will say having to switch back and forth between /bank1 /bank2 would be a lot to deal with. Cool but feels like it could be cumbersome. If only there was a way to do that through the npc. :(
Can't really increase the bank size, nor add some "tabbed" inventory window (at least not without TONS of work).
The best thing would be like more banks...
Right now I am not sure but something like "/bank weapons" or "/bank mags" might be possible tho...
Can't really increase the bank size, nor add some "tabbed" inventory window (at least not without TONS of work).
The best thing would be like more banks...
Right now I am not sure but something like "/bank weapons" or "/bank mags" might be possible tho...

Please give Ephinea whatever sorcery you performed to make banking from a browser possible on Ultima :D, we wouldn't even need to stress about this in-game if so :P
Please give Ephinea whatever sorcery you performed to make banking from a browser possible on Ultima :D, we wouldn't even need to stress about this in-game if so :p
Sadly I can't do that, but wouldn't be too hard to replicate.
And that's just to see the items, it doesn't let you do anything else.
Can't really increase the bank size, nor add some "tabbed" inventory window (at least not without TONS of work).
The best thing would be like more banks...
Right now I am not sure but something like "/bank weapons" or "/bank mags" might be possible tho...
Sorry to hear that but thanks for the feedback.
We don't have a character manager on our website. (Not saying that we can't do it, just not sure we'll add this feature). As Soly says it wouldn't be hard to make.

Ordering within game is possible. But I think the current way its ordered as standard is easy to find your items. Just use your 2 analogue sticks to scroll down if using 1 is too slow.
Wish there was a way to switch to my shared bank and have it not be full of garbage... oh wait.. there is a way, it's called playing in Ultimate instead of skulking in Vhard.
I'm sure this has been thought of before, but I figure I'd bring it up just in case. Is there any way to be able to favorite items in the bank so that they appear first? Or put items in a separate folder or something? It's such a pain to have to scroll through all of my banks every time to change my gear.

I thought I was the only one with this issue.

We need this feature so bad. I 'always' forget to bring the most important items at times for boss rush quests. lol
I was thinking about this a bit more last night.

I think the folder option is the best way to implement the feature. Basically, it would just be applied as an auto-filter to items you deposit into your bank and separate them in your bank into different categories that can be expanded/collapsed. This could include the following categories:
  • Favorites
  • Hunter Weapons
  • Ranger Weapons
  • Force Weapons
  • Armors
  • Units
  • Shields
  • Mags
  • Consumables
  • Disks
  • Others

If this alone were implemented, it'd be a major relief for a lot of people (like me) who get lost in their bank easily.

Don't get me wrong, though. I think a Favorites feature would still help a lot, but I think it should serve a different purpose other than 'just' for bank sorting. My thought behind it is that items you favorite would also behave differently in some other menus:
a) A star icon will appear next to favorited items in your Item List.
b) They would be locked from being sold/registered in Shop Menus or Point Register so people could breathe easier.
c) Favorited items that are deposited would appear in the 'Favorites' folder in the bank, allowing for easier access to weapons that might be used in only certain conditions (like myself as I ALWAYS forget to bring a Cannon Rouge for boss rush quests).

PSO2 has all of this as a QoL feature, so maybe use that as a blueprint?
What PSO2 does is irrelevant, since the bank's features have to remain within what PSO1 supports. By far the simplest method would be to add additional banks and just let players create their own item groupings by picking which items to put into which bank.
What PSO2 does is irrelevant, since the bank's features have to remain within what PSO1 supports. By far the simplest method would be to add additional banks and just let players create their own item groupings by picking which items to put into which bank.

^ This tbh, no need to go overboard with a whole crazy overhaul to the bank system. Just a 2nd/3rd shared bank would make a difference. Purely so one can have a bank/two to dump shit/crap and one for shared gear. /bank 2, /bank 3, etc.

edit: And a search function perhaps + increase on bank space like 1k limit :wacko:
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Don't you guys think that having more bank space than we already have will devalue common items even more?
I wish there was a way for my memory to be better so I could remember which character's bank was holding which item. My dumbass is perpetually losing track.
Don't you guys think that having more bank space than we already have will devalue common items even more?

I honestly don't see how more bank space would devalue an item, since values are based on people wanting/not wanting, & having/not having the amount of X item. It's not like people can't use a million other chars or accounts to store stuff as we speak. I am pretty sure extra banks on-hand will just make organization a lot easier and having to empty/sort the main bank less often.

I wish there was a way for my memory to be better so I could remember which character's bank was holding which item. My dumbass is perpetually losing track.

Loool, dude, the number of times I have gone to put an item in shared before changing character, then to only get so lost as to where I put the damn item/s.
Loool, dude, the number of times I have gone to put an item in shared before changing character, then to only get so lost as to where I put the damn item/s.
The worst is when it's across slots, so you have to do a full close and reboot, and half the time I forget to change the slot when I log in.
The worst is when it's across slots, so you have to do a full close and reboot, and half the time I forget to change the slot when I log in.

Yuuuup. I've already been making this mistake, and I only just made my trade alt. >_<
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