Quick question - Quick answer

I’d like to start using my HUcast more, so I’m hunting SJS and Caliburs.

Regarding TJS, as I’ve never owned one, is the PB-consuming special attack reliant on ATA? Thanks.
Yep, TJS is relegated to being a situational tool with the existing sacrificials around so. Basically specific FT'd spawns of sinows, canabins, gal swoop, dragons etc.
Hey guys, new to the forums, but not to PSO, been many a year since I played and I have forgotten much of what drops what. I wanted to ask if there is any area or any mobs in particular for farming add slots, scape dolls, and generally decent body items (Metal body, dragon/hp), so I can help my buddies get geared up for dark falz on normal, then rushing into Hard difficulty (hardcore accounts). If the question has been answered point me towards it, I am trying to work from home (by not working) so I haven't had a chance to run through the forums fully yet. I joined the server like 2 years ago, and just never really jumped on the forums, except maybe once.
Hey guys, new to the forums, but not to PSO, been many a year since I played and I have forgotten much of what drops what. I wanted to ask if there is any area or any mobs in particular for farming add slots, scape dolls, and generally decent body items (Metal body, dragon/hp), so I can help my buddies get geared up for dark falz on normal, then rushing into Hard difficulty (hardcore accounts). If the question has been answered point me towards it, I am trying to work from home (by not working) so I haven't had a chance to run through the forums fully yet. I joined the server like 2 years ago, and just never really jumped on the forums, except maybe once.

When you asked about finding units like dragon/hp, some monsters do drop them in normal mode from rare monsters, but I wouldn't depend on hunting such monsters since some monsters do have units drop as their set of items to drop like Gigoboomas and Sinow Reds in Episode 1 for example. Episode 2's page is right here too, but to get information about Episode 4, please click on an enemy's name in this page to see their drop types as icons in their wiki entries. This used to apply similarly with hunting frames and barriers too, but the drop charts have changed such that you won't get an Ultimate Frame as a rare item drop. For addslots, some prefer to have the Yellowboze Section ID (SID) over the others especially Redria, which is good for rare monster drop for addslots. You can look over here for where to hunt for monsters that you think are worth looking for too. I'll leave the Ephinea drop charts set to Normal mode since you're starting fresh again with your friends too.

If you plan to play in hardcore mode, Scape Dolls won't have set drop locations from quest drops or rewards. I do mention where in my #useful-info guide, which I recommend for you and your friends to check out when you have down time. It's a long read, but I think it's worth the time saved in having people look around too much without the help of Ctrl + F and some keywords in mind now that what most people want to find is usually in there.

Also, Happy Easter!
When you asked about finding units like dragon/hp, some monsters do drop them in normal mode from rare monsters, but I wouldn't depend on hunting such monsters since some monsters do have units drop as their set of items to drop like Gigoboomas and Sinow Reds in Episode 1 for example. Episode 2's page is right here too, but to get information about Episode 4, please click on an enemy's name in this page to see their drop types as icons in their wiki entries. This used to apply similarly with hunting frames and barriers too, but the drop charts have changed such that you won't get an Ultimate Frame as a rare item drop. For addslots, some prefer to have the Yellowboze Section ID (SID) over the others especially Redria, which is good for rare monster drop for addslots. You can look over here for where to hunt for monsters that you think are worth looking for too. I'll leave the Ephinea drop charts set to Normal mode since you're starting fresh again with your friends too.

If you plan to play in hardcore mode, Scape Dolls won't have set drop locations from quest drops or rewards. I do mention where in my #useful-info guide, which I recommend for you and your friends to check out when you have down time. It's a long read, but I think it's worth the time saved in having people look around too much without the help of Ctrl + F and some keywords in mind now that what most people want to find is usually in there.

Also, Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! Browsing through your post now(so many sublinks), never knew about that Nightmare quest, recently been doing some of the Max Attacks and TTF on normal with one of my friends. May have to try that for some box fun. Haven't had too bad a time in HC, but I am playing a Hucast, so I'm kind of the tank for my group (except dfalz, because magic). One friend lost a ranger, and one is down to 1 scape doll due to dfalz. Just trying to get a few good units for everyone, may go farm vhard forest on my mage to get some gear/techs/money for them at least. What is BPD though, saw it mentioned elsewhere and don't actually know what it is.
What is BPD though, saw it mentioned elsewhere and don't actually know what it is.

That's short for Black Paper's Deal (BPD), or Dangerous Deal with Black Paper (DDwBP). You can see more acronyms in @anime's guide so that most of them are easy to remember while reading posts on the forum. I'm not sure if you need the following advice below, but I'll give it away anyways for the other readers that are new to Black Paper's Deals.

The PSO-World guides for DDwBP1 and DDwBP2 can give you tips on how to beat the monsters, but I would rely on the first link in this post for the current list of rewards. Also, in the first quest, the number of items that drop after winning depends on what difficulty it is. For example, Hard mode releases two items while Ultimate mode releases four items. In the second quest though, one item drops in Normal mode and Hard mode while two items drop in Very Hard mode and Ultimate mode.

Anyways, I forgot to mention that in my newbie guide. Thanks for the catch.

EDIT: I'm making a 10/174/6/10 mag for a RAmarl, and I decided to feed a Mag Monomates on a Force to have it evolve into a Vritra to not get Farlla since I prefer Leilla over Farlla. I also am getting Mylla & Youlla with 10/9/6/10, but here's the question: Do I evolve it to learn Pilla or Estlla for my last Photon Blast? I'm leaning towards Estlla right now. #ChangeMyMind
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EDIT: I'm making a 10/174/6/10 mag for a RAmarl, and I decided to feed a Mag Monomates on a Force to have it evolve into a Vritra to not get Farlla since I prefer Leilla over Farlla. I also am getting Mylla & Youlla with 10/9/6/10, but here's the question: Do I evolve it to learn Pilla or Estlla for my last Photon Blast? I'm leaning towards Estlla right now. #ChangeMyMind
What I think about the popularity of PBs people have:
Twins, Pilla > Farlla, Estella > Golla, Leilla
Any completed DEF 5 mags would have Pilla except the console mags, so Pilla is very common. Estella is better for a Twins PB chain than Pilla.
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It looks like you can get both Pilla and Estlla, but it's going to be a long wait based on how you raise a mag with 6 DEX. Maybe next time I'll make that mag, but I'm okay with what I have so far.
I have 20k kills on my limiter, but i don't have the option to use it. Is there a fix for this?

Yes; try changing blocks, or ship, if you're still logged online. If you logged out by now, you can use it when you log back in.
Yes; try changing blocks, or ship, if you're still logged online. If you logged out by now, you can use it when you log back in.

Got it to work. Actually, for some reason, I needed to get about a couple hundred more kills then it worked. Weird, but it's fine. Thanks for the help though, I'll remember it for if it happens again.
Is there anyway way for you to switch to an NPC skin? I used to use a trainer way back on schtserv, but I am not sure if that is available here? Maybe there is an easier way to do it now?