Who's Playing Feature


Hunter Specialist
Guildcard 2
I don't know the logistics of this or how easy it may be to implement.

But a feature which shows which current players are online could be cool.
It is something easy to implement but I'd rather not implement it. The list would become quite big with the number of players on and it is a little stalkerish. I don't want people to know when I'm on all the time, I'm sure there are other people who don't want others to know when they are on either.

If you want to know if a particular friend is on, log in and search for their guild card (if you have it). If you don't have a person's guild card, you shouldn't be able to know if they're online or not. Privacy, etc.
Yeah I kinda agree with Soda on this one. While it would be a kinda cool convenience for players, the potential for abuse here is quite large. We unfortunately have the members that would actually abuse it too.
Thanks for the reply Soda, Nikki.
I agree privacy should come first for sure. With discord now it's even easier to see if your friends are online, so no real need for the above.