When should I be doing the Government quest lines?


I have a HUmar, level 41, with Blade Dance and Brionac and a level 200 MAG and the government quests for Episode II on Normal difficulty are still giving me trouble. I know it's supposed to be done in a group and that's why the difficulty is scaled as such but it's just insane enemies can still knock me down constantly, one shot me with crits, barely take damage, and evade more than half of my attacks.
I am not sure what could help you. I would guess that you need a 4 slot armor, with at least a couple of armor mods to boost your defense or evasion (find out what works best for you). Also a good barrier helps too. Ep2 is tough, especially in the tower, where enemies have the potential to knock you dead in one hit.
As Remmies-san stated, yes EP2 is kinda a Slap-fest once you reach the Control Room maps....Dolm Squids....Gibbons...Big Daddy sized Sinows....F'kin Delbiters...Mericarols.....Gibbles....G'Dam IL GILS....ALL leave your brain screaming "I NEED Better Gear!!!...". Sure, with a level 200 MAG hopefully wiff high POW stats, even a common saber/brand/buster/Pallasch/Gladius tends to be the most readily available to swing around...but NOT ENUFF! That's where the 'Hunger' comes from! Ppl wanting....NEEDING Bigger badder toys like katanas, double saber types, swath cutting long swords...etc. Keep an Eye out for new armors and shields that are closer to your current level! DON'T get too comfy/attached with a 4 slotter you've had since level 20! HUmars have gotten the Worst of the 'nerfing' (rebalancing) after Dreamcast release, so your frustration is warranted, but No excuse to feel it's "Difficult" and hard on yourself! the GRIND is 'Real! It's also Why a few 'Proud Wolf' types of players will refuse higher tier toys hand outs! Worse case scenario, you can always create a room called "EP2 Crawl HALP!" and avenging angel types will arrive to assist~! But, in the meantime...Stay Brave, Stay Hungry, Stay SANE.... and EMBRACE THE SUCK~! lol!
Thanks for the info. I guess I will get more levels and better armor. My MAG has 100 POW and 3X in the other three stats. It's crazy that Hard, solo mode is easier than Normal, group mode.
Some enemies in EP2 are nasty business. In general, I find that Episode 2 is much much harder than 1 and 4...