Unlocking the ability to play challenge stages in disorder


Crippled old lady
The cmode community is pretty small, especially those that play it on a regular basis. I'm imagining this was already suggested, but to show how the majority of the cmode community would love this change to be put in place, I figured I'd to suggest it as well to show my support.

Basically, the idea would be to let us be able to play the challenge stages not necessarily in the proper order. As long as the leader of the game has the challenge stage unlocked, everybody else would be able to play it. For example, if I create a game and I completed 1C1 to 1C4, I could create a 1C5 game and anybody could be able to join my game and complete the challenge with me even if they didn't even complete 1C1 yet.

The problem is the cmode community is small and if I need 1C3 for example, others that already have 1C3 completed won't necessarily want to join my game as they would gain no benefit in completing the stage again other than by pure selflessness just to help me out. So it becomes difficult to find a party to play cmode with. This is a very old game and most people want to play for their own benefits rather than "for the heck of it" (which is totally understandable).

I know this is possible for sure as on another server (Eden), I was able to play the challenges in whatever order I wanted and still get my srank weapon. Also, people used to "glitch" the game on Schthack by bringing the challenge menu while somebody else was in the game, then everybody else other than the leader would leave and the leader would be able to select the stage of his/her choice (granted they completed the previous challenge stages), but without starting the stage. Everybody else would then join back the game (no matter if they were currently on that stage or not) and the leader would be able start the stage.

I believe this change would help the cmode community as a whole and we'd potentially see more cmode games happening.

Thank you for your time!

p.s. Sorry for the broken English, long day at work.