straight outta 2002


Hello all,

I'm a returning player from the GC era wanting to say hi. I became completely absorbed (unintentional Falz joke?) by this game when I first discovered it 20 years ago, and have never forgotten it since. I could write a thesis about what it means to me but won't, mostly because I have a feeling everyone here already gets it.

Funniest thing about that is that I played almost entirely solo or splitscreen with friends (as a FOnewearl, no less). I still remember the first time I discovered PSO World - felt like I'd ascended to the promised land. Finding out that I'd barely scratched the surface of the game and that it's called Phantasy Star ONLINE for a reason.

So here I am, restarting with the goal of finally being able to play this game to its full and intended potential. If you see a very squishy FOnewearl named Evey running around the lobby, that's me. I'm mostly doing research, getting reoriented, and raising some Sato, which is a monofluid nightmare thank you for asking. Happy to meet and play with others if you've got the patience for someone who's still learning the ins and outs of online play. I do want to learn.

See you on Ragol ~
Hello all,

I'm a returning player from the GC era wanting to say hi. I became completely absorbed (unintentional Falz joke?) by this game when I first discovered it 20 years ago, and have never forgotten it since. I could write a thesis about what it means to me but won't, mostly because I have a feeling everyone here already gets it.

Funniest thing about that is that I played almost entirely solo or splitscreen with friends (as a FOnewearl, no less). I still remember the first time I discovered PSO World - felt like I'd ascended to the promised land. Finding out that I'd barely scratched the surface of the game and that it's called Phantasy Star ONLINE for a reason.

So here I am, restarting with the goal of finally being able to play this game to its full and intended potential. If you see a very squishy FOnewearl named Evey running around the lobby, that's me. I'm mostly doing research, getting reoriented, and raising some Sato, which is a monofluid nightmare thank you for asking. Happy to meet and play with others if you've got the patience for someone who's still learning the ins and outs of online play. I do want to learn.

See you on Ragol ~
EEEEeeeeeee~! *POUNCES and examines the Eveys-san wiff a warm giggle~!* Aaaand yet another Old Guard Cuber has fallen victim to the Topless Siren's song of Nostalgia and washes up upon our little tribe's shore! Mew Likes you Already~! Yes, FOneys start off EXTRA SQUISHY...but once we get our paws on level 30's a GAME CHANGER! You will often even see room names BEGGING for an FO! So the grind is worth the struggle and Cuss words to follow! Mew hasing a FOney herself, will be moar than happy to halp support your endeavor to return to your former glory~! And YES Sato raising is a bit of a labor of love! Looking forward to pouncing and playing wiff you, too Evey-san~! Welcome HOME~! =3!
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Thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, nostalgia is a bit of a chronic condition for me. As much as the grind is... the grind, there's a reason I always lean towards classes where you start out as a wet piece of tissue paper and gradually transform into a walking nuke. So rewarding.

Would love to play with and learn from you if our paths cross!
Thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, nostalgia is a bit of a chronic condition for me. As much as the grind is... the grind, there's a reason I always lean towards classes where you start out as a wet piece of tissue paper and gradually transform into a walking nuke. So rewarding.

Would love to play with and learn from you if our paths cross!
Oh....they WILL~! ♡