[SOLVED] Cannot select 'More' in options tab, or open Options.exe


Hi guys, brand new player here and i'm rather excited to get stuck in!

After launching the game for the first time on windows 10, I had it in fullscreen mode and came against the common problem of the blank screen with music playing. So I headed to the FAQ so try solve my problem. The suggestion to change one of the graphics settings was mentioned, so I attempted it!

Unfortunately, this is where my problem began, I am unable to click the 'More' button on the launcher, or open 'Options.exe' as doing so brings up two errors.

'The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix the problem.'

AND the error

'The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix the problem.'

So I tried to reinstall, that didn't work. I google'd the errors and installed both Visual studio and Microsoft Visual C++ Redistribution 2015, as was suggested by many sources.

Following that, I have restarted my computer several times, reinstalled Ephinea a few times and ran it in both compatibility modes and Administrator modes.

I'm genuinely stumped! Any Techies in here that might have an idea? I would greatly appreciate it!

If not, I guess i'll have to stick to windowed mode!

Thanks, Chaz
You mentioned you installed the Visual C++ Redistribution 2015, did you install the x86 version or only the x64? Even if you're running x64 Windows, you'll need the x86 redist installed.
Thanks for the quick response!

This worked! Simple as installing the x84 version.

I originally installed the x64 version as I run a 64-bit OS. It didn't immediately make sense to me to install the x86 version, so I didn't.

Thanks for your help :)
Yeah, the options is a 32 bit app, so it needs the x86 redist. Apologies for the inconvenience.