Slight misconception



I am playing now for about 1 month and a half on this server.
It is a nice experience so far. I am not new to PSO however.
I know the game since back then on DC but I was playing much more on Gamecube with BBA and ASCI Keyboard which I still have including my japanese PSO. I am aware that this is mostly a vanilla server. I like that fact very much that is why I am playing here.
The reason I am writing today is actually the Halloween Event.
I believe that there is a slight misconception regarding the cookies here.
Back on the original Servers there were many hundred players online basicially around the clock.
People played the hell out of events like the Halloween Quest. This brings us to the cookies. I am pretty sure, that Sega intended that every player could access and play the quest quite easy as long as the event lasts. There was basicially no need to find the cookies yourself. There was always somebody with a cookie and many rooms were open just for the halloween event.
The cookies have a drop rate of 1/2000. This obvisualy makes sense with hundreds or thousands of players on the servers. Here we got mostly about 35-45 players. On some good days we got 75 players, maybe even a few more but not that much.
I played quite some hours to get a cookie with no luck. Here on the forum they sell for many PDs and this is not right. The cookie drop rate should really be adjusted so that everybody can access and play the special events as this was intended by Sega. The cookies are not meant to be a rare item. I think my theory is also backed by the fact that only one in a party needs one to enter. Sega wanted the events to be played a lot. It is fine to "work" a little for the cookie but they are not meant to give a arm and a leg for it. Can this be adressed?
Cookies and cookie quests are unique to ephinea and not vanilla. Also people are able to get cookies just fine at 1/2000
Halloween Cookie is a custom item meant to play one of a handful of custom quests on this server.

The sega halloween quest does not need a cookie and the event halloween rappies can be hunted in Episode 2 in any quest or free field that has Rappies in Temple.
Ohhh hahah lol sorry that was a mixup XD
I was refering to the cakes from the Naura Sisters. That is all so long ago. Sorry, ignore my post.
But how can I access the original Pioneer Halloween Quest. I didnt found it on the list.