Selling Tech

Just a quick and dirty list to get rid of these techs. Preferably DM me on discord.

LV15- 35K
LV20- 70K
LV29- 140K
Support (ANTI/RES/REV)
LV1- 70K
LV5- 70K
LV7- 70K
LV15- 70K
LV20- 70K
LV30- 70K
Support (S/D/J/Z)
LV15- 35K
LV20- 70K
LV30- 140K

Ryuker LV1- x4
Reverser LV1- x11
Anti LV5- x7
Foie LV15- x4
Gifoie LV15- x3
Barta LV15- x6
Gibarta LV15- x7
Rabarta LV15- x8
Zonde LV15- x4
Gizonde LV15- x5
Razonde LV15- x6
Rafoie LV15- x1
Jellen LV15- x1
Foie LV20- x5
Gifoie LV20- x9
Barta LV20- x7
Gibarta LV20- x12
Rabarta LV20- x6
Zonde LV20- x6
Gizonde LV20- x1
Razonde LV20- x7
Resta LV20- x6
Zalure LV20- x1
Shifta LV20- x1
Gifoie LV28- x2
Rafoie LV28- x1
Barta LV28- x4
Gibarta LV28- x3
Rabarta LV28- x1
Zonde LV28- x2
Gizonde LV28- x1
Razonde LV28- x2
Foie LV29- x14
Gifoie LV29- x8
Barta LV29- x10
Gibarta LV29- x11
Zonde LV29- x10
Gizonde LV29- x7
Razonde LV29- x5
Resta LV30- x18
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