Selfie thread.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alakaboom
  • Start date Start date
A photo with my daughters (twins) this summer.
Your girls are v cute :D
ok boys and girls, i figure since i have some nice new professional headshots i'll go ahead and post one here.


i'm a bassist by trade, currently working professionally with two orchestras, teaching, and freelancing. the instrument in the photo is an unlabeled German bass, built c. 1890. it's old and i love it. i play electric bass too, just not as often as i used to.

for those unfamiliar with the machines at the top, that's a chromatic "C" extension. normally, 4 string basses go down to the note "E," but in North America it's popular to have an extension of the fingerboard custom fitted with a longer string, modified nut, and closers for each note leading down to a low "C" ... a worthwhile upgrade for any orchestral player.

anyone who replies with "slappa da bass" will be blocked and blacklisted. :lenny: