Seat of the Heart questions


Today, I completed Seat of the Heart on normal. I got Kireek to follow me into the tower. I basically destroyed every console (how am I supposed to know which ones?) and tried to spawn all the enemies. Man, some of them are tough, even on normal! Any way, I get to the end, defeat the boss, and get through the story ok. When I wake up in the beach area, I talked to Sue and Kireek. After that I talked to Elly, but she didn't give me the Ragol Ring. Now I am wondering what I could have got wrong? I only recall one part with Elly where I got a question wrong and I had to choose the other to proceed. Is that why I didn't get the ring? How ridiculous....
I almost forgot, can I try the quest again on normal, or did I bork it up and have to try it all again on hard mode?