[Seasons] Monthly ID change


Pinkal Lame Magnet
Just a thought:


A good few people I've seen have been starved for certain item hunts due to few people having the ID. This could be bad especially as seasons dulls down towards the end.

I'd like to propose this:

On the 19th of Feburary and the 19th of March, all seasons player can change their id once.

This allows people to adjust ids to streamline specific hunts.

What do you propose happens at the end of seasons? Would you have the IDs switch back to original or the most recent change?
Technically an ID change is already offered at the end of the season so players can either stick with their current ID or change it altogether.
Technically an ID change is already offered at the end of the season so players can either stick with their current ID or change it altogether.
Yeah changing the id at the end of seasons will definitely help people hunt stuff during seasons :thinking:

Did you read my first post?
Yeah changing the id at the end of seasons will definitely help people hunt stuff during seasons :thinking:

Did you read my first post?
Ahh dammit, I was debating if I should have quoted Cassie so the context of my response would have made more sense.

I was replying in regards to this:
What do you propose happens at the end of seasons? Would you have the IDs switch back to original or the most recent change?
To clarify, I like the idea of a mid-season ID change on top of having a post-seasons ID change as well.
That's fine, in context now I see you were replying :p

It was ME who didn't read the context!
That's fine, in context now I see you were replying :p

It was ME who didn't read the context!
Haha don't worry about it. If you're anything like me when checking new posts, I often miss the previous messages in the process if I read them before.