S>V801 20pds(Or I’m quitting)SOLD(not quitting)

There's nothing to really be done wiff 'greedy'/shrewd/hardball/low-ball'/Crazy-Eddie type sellers...it's a buyer Beware kinda thing. Mew however won't promote or call attention to trade rooms with overpriced sellers...That said...wasn't V801's in the 20's PD range anyway? Purrsonally, mew had given away a few V801's for only 2PDs to FOs she saw as 'Plushie' Protege's in halping the community. Hell....after the crap that last Flakey Auctioneer pulled on you Yuffies, Mew would proudly GIVE you a V801 if she still had one~!
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Gawd diddly dammit...now that mew's mentioned Crazy Eddie...Got THIS on the brain now....
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