S> Stuff; B> Spread Needle with >35h


Sad Machine
Laser +7 [Demon's] [0/25/0/0|50] - 1 PD
Arms [Charge] [0/0/0/0|50] - 1 PD
Tyrell's Parasol [0/25/0/35|0] - 1 PD
Bringer's Rifle [0/0/0/0|0] x2 - 1 PD
Baranz Launcher [0/0/0/0|0] x2 - 1 PD

Madam's Umbrella [0/30/0/20|20] - 2 PDs
Guardianna [30/0/0/0|25] - 3 PDs
Diska of Braveman [0/0/0/30|35] - 3 PDs
Diska of Braveman +9 [0/15/0/0|40] - 7 PDs

Zanba x3 [0/0/0/0|30] - 9 PDs
L&K38 Combat [0/0/0/0|30] - 10 PDs
Frozen Shooter x3 [0/0/0/0|30] - 15 PDs

Kasami Bracer [19/50 | 2/15] - 2 PDs
Kasami Bracer [32/50 | 5/15] - 3 PDs

Cure/Freeze - 1 PD
Smartlink - 1 PD
Magic Rock "Moola" - 2 PDs
V801 - 7 PDs

Level 30 Support Set x1 - (Resta, Shifta, Deband, Jellen, Zalure + Anti LV7) - 4 PDs
Level 29 Attack Set x2 (all Si/Gi/Ra Techs) - 2 PDs; Can throw in Grants LV26 and Megid LV26 for an extra PD
Level 20 Hunewearl/Ramarl Set (SDJZ, all Si/Gi/Ra techs + Anti 7) - 3 PDs
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If you can give me a discount at 5PD per H/ARM i'll be inclined to buy all 3 of them ;)
Edit: Actually I might try to auction my 55h Spread Needle.
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