S> srank Demons Mechgun


Crippled old lady
Ep.I srank Mechgun named "DEMONS Mechgun", no special.

Selling for 12 PDs OR 11 luck mats (I created too many characters and now I'm in dire need of luck mats. ;_; )
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Hmm, make it either 6 PDs + 3 PCs, or 5 PDs + 4 PCs and I'll take it. I'm not really in need of PCs, mostly looking to get PDs to add special to my own sranks.
Yup. It's all yours for the wonderful price of 12 PDs if you're interested.
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/bumping this

I already added demon's to my own demon's mech, I have no need of a second pair.

For those potentially not familiar with sranks (you never know...), demon's srank mechguns are ideal for tower, dorphons and girtablublu as the special on sranks is unreduced. Even with the cast's reduction to demon's, they are still very useful.
/bumping this

I already added demon's to my own demon's mech, I have no need of a second pair.

For those potentially not familiar with sranks (you never know...), demon's srank mechguns are ideal for tower, dorphons and girtablublu as the special on sranks is unreduced. Even with the cast's reduction to demon's, they are still very useful.
Sounds like an infomercial. "But wait, there's more!"
But it's so informative, I can't edit it... ;_;

It's true!

I once saw Vince combo kill a delbiter with demon mechguns and then clean up the remains with his Sham-Wow.

Or maybe I imagined it after overdosing on sodium by eating too much poutine fuckée. Can't be sure. But it might be true?

Anyway as a special service, at no additional cost, Lileya will randomly don a headset while you trade in game for no apparent reason!

Act now supplies are limited! :eek: